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Debugging 2K Paddle Game

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I'm going to try to make a 2K old school, launch title type game. When I'm stuck, I'm trying to figure it out but I'll also post it here in with the hope that it might speed things up a bit. If you like debugging then go for it- it is appreciated!


Right now I'm working on inserting a score kernel (Spiceware's). I got it mostly working, but something seems to be wrong with the indexing. Its supposed to display 12 34 but displays other numbers. Not sure if it has anything to do with decimal mode- I've turned it on and off with no effect. If I change the score- 12 and 34 to other numbers, again, it displays numbers, but not those numbers.



; paddle game
; 27 May 2017

; paddle 1 = player 0

        include VCS.H
        include macro.h
	ORG $80

Paddle1:      	ds 1
DigitTens:      ds 2
ScoreGfx:       ds 2 
DigitOnes:      ds 2
Score:          ds 2   
Temp:           ds 1 

	org $F000

	lda #12
	sta Score
	lda #34
	sta Score+1
        lda #$82
        sta WSYNC
        sta VSYNC         ; 3    start vertical sync, D1=1
        sta VBLANK        ; 3  6 start vertical blank and dump paddles to ground
        lda #$2C          ; 2  8 set timer for end of Vertical Blank
        sta TIM64T        ; 4 12
        sta WSYNC         ; 1st line of vertical sync
        sta WSYNC         ; 2nd line of vertical sync
        lda #0
        sta WSYNC         ; 3rd line of vertical sync
        sta VSYNC         ; stop vertical sync, D1=0
        ldx #3
        lda Paddle1		   ;+4    9
        sec ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Jeff added
        sta WSYNC
        sbc #15
        bcs DivideLoop   ;+4   13
        eor #7
        sta HMP0  		;+4   17
        sta RESP0      ;+4   23
	sta WSYNC
	sta HMOVE
	jsr PrepScoreForDisplay		;jeff added

	lda #$0f    	; set color for paddle 1 display
	sta COLUP0

	lda #153       ; prep paddle results with highest possible value
	sta Paddle1 	; our initial paddle results will be 1-153
	ldx #0

	lda INTIM
	bpl VblankWait
	sta WSYNC
	sta HMCLR         ; clear hmoves for next time around
	stx VBLANK        ; turn on video output & remove paddle dump to ground
; Score Loop
	        ldx #5          ; 2 11 - use X as the loop counter for ScoreLoop
	        ;ldy #0		; temp to test score
ScoreLoop:              ;   43 - cycle after bpl ScoreLoop
        ldy DigitTens   ; 3 46 - get the tens digit offset for the Score
        lda DigitGfx,y  ; 5 51 -   use it to load the digit graphics
        and #$F0        ; 2 53 -   remove the graphics for the ones digit
        sta ScoreGfx    ; 3 56 -   and save it
        ldy DigitOnes   ; 3 59 - get the ones digit offset for the Score
        lda DigitGfx,y  ; 5 64 -   use it to load the digit graphics
        and #$0F        ; 2 66 -   remove the graphics for the tens digit
        ora ScoreGfx    ; 3 69 -   merge with the tens digit graphics
        sta ScoreGfx    ; 3 72 -   and save it
        sta WSYNC       ; 3 75 - wait for end of scanline
        sta PF1         ; 3  3 - @66-28, update playfield for Score dislay
        ldy DigitTens+1 ; 3  6 - get the left digit offset for the Score+1
        lda DigitGfx,y  ; 5 11 -   use it to load the digit graphics
        and #$F0        ; 2 13 -   remove the graphics for the ones digit
        sta ScoreGfx+1  ; 3 16 -   and save it
        ldy DigitOnes+1 ; 3 19 - get the ones digit offset for the Score+1
        lda DigitGfx,y  ; 5 24 -   use it to load the digit graphics
        and #$0F        ; 2 26 -   remove the graphics for the tens digit
        ora ScoreGfx+1  ; 3 29 -   merge with the tens digit graphics
        sta ScoreGfx+1  ; 3 32 -   and save it
        nop     		;12 44 - waste some cycles
        nop				; 2 44
        sta PF1         ; 3 47 - @39-54, update playfield for Score+1 display
        ldy ScoreGfx    ; 3 50 - preload for next scanline 
        sta WSYNC       ; 3 53 - wait for end of scanline
        sty PF1         ; 3  3 - update playfield for the Score display
        inc DigitTens   ; 5  8 - advance for the next line of graphic data
        inc DigitTens+1 ; 5 13 - advance for the next line of graphic data
        inc DigitOnes   ; 5 18 - advance for the next line of graphic data
        inc DigitOnes+1 ; 5 23 - advance for the next line of graphic data
        nop     ;12 35 - waste some cycles
        dex             ; 2 37 - decrease the loop counter
        sta PF1         ; 3 40 - @39-54, update playfield for the Score+1 display
        bne ScoreLoop   ; 2 42 - (3 43) if dex != 0 then branch to ScoreLoop
        sta WSYNC       ; 3 45 - wait for end of scanline
        stx PF1         ; 3  3 - x = 0, so this blanks out playfield        
        sta WSYNC       ; 3  6 - wait for end of scanline
        lda #0          ; 2  2
        sta CTRLPF      ; 3  5 - turn off SCORE mode
        ldx #1          ; 2  7

	ldy #152
	sta WSYNC
	lda INPT0         ; 3   - always 9
	bpl .save         ; 2 3
	.byte $2c         ; 4 0
.save   sty Paddle1       ; 0 3

	bne ReadLoop
; display Paddle 1's value by using Player 0
	sta WSYNC
	lda #$FF
	sta GRP0
	ldy #24
	sta WSYNC
	bne P0loop
	lda #0
	sta GRP0
	lda #$26   ; prep overscan delay
	sta WSYNC
	sta TIM64T ; set overscan delay

	lda INTIM
	bpl OSwait
	jmp VerticalBlank
; PrepScoreForDisplay
; --------------
; Converts the high and low nybbles of the RAM variables Score and Score+1
; into offsets into the digit graphics so the values can be displayed.
; Each digit uses 5 bytes of data for the graphics.  For the low nybble we need
; to multiply by 5, but the 6507 does not have a multiply feature.  It can,
; however, shift the bits in a byte left, which is the same as a multiply by 2.
; Using this, we can get multiply a # by 5 like this:
;       # * 5 = (# * 2 * 2) + #
; The value in the upper nybble is already times 16, so we need to divide it.
; The 6507 can shift the bits the right, which is the same as divide by 2.
;       (# / 16) * 5 = (# / 2 / 2) + (# / 2 / 2 / 2 / 2)  
        ldx #1          ; use X as the loop counter for PSFDloop
        lda Score,x     ; LoaD A with Score+1(first pass) or Score(second pass)
        and #$0F        ; remove the tens digit
        sta Temp        ; Store A into Temp
        asl             ; 
        asl             ; Multiply by 5
        adc Temp        ; ADd with Carry value in Temp (# * 5)
        sta DigitOnes,x  ; STore A in DigitOnes+1(first pass) or DigitOnes(second pass)
        lda Score,x     ; LoaD A with Score+1(first pass) or Score(second pass)
        and #$F0        ; remove the ones digit
        lsr             ; Logical Shift Right (# / 2)
        lsr             ; Logical Shift Right (# / 4)
        sta Temp        ; Store A into Temp
        lsr             ; Logical Shift Right (# / 
        lsr             ; Logical Shift Right (# / 16)
        adc Temp        ; ADd with Carry value in Temp ((# / 16) * 5)
        sta DigitTens,x ; STore A in DigitTens+1(first pass) or DigitTens(second pass)
        dex             ; DEcrement X by 1
        bpl PSFDloop    ; Branch PLus (positive) to PSFDloop
        rts             ; ReTurn from Subroutine      

; Digit Graphics
        align 256
        .byte %00000111
        .byte %00000101
        .byte %00000101
        .byte %00000101
        .byte %00000111
        .byte %00010001
        .byte %00010001
        .byte %00010001
        .byte %00010001        
        .byte %00010001
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %00010001
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %01000100
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %00010001
        .byte %00110011
        .byte %00010001
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %01010101
        .byte %01010101
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %00010001
        .byte %00010001
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %01000100
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %00010001
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %01000100
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %01010101
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %00010001
        .byte %00010001
        .byte %00010001
        .byte %00010001
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %01010101
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %01010101
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %01010101
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %00010001
        .byte %01110111
        .byte %00000000     ; used to blank out right score in 1 player games
        .byte %00000000
        .byte %00000000
        .byte %00000000
        .byte %00000000
        .byte %01010101
        .byte %01010101
        .byte %01010101
        .byte %00000000
        .byte %01010101

	org $FFFA
        .word InitSystem ; NMI
        .word InitSystem ; RESET
        .word InitSystem ; IRQ



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and 1 minute later I figure something out... commented the the RAM with their addresses and sure enough $87 & $88 contain the numbers displayed and the code in the debugger shows them too. My #12 and #34 has their hex values displayed- $0c 22.

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