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kat5200 version 0.8.1 released!


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This release contains the following bug fixes and changes:


* Fixed: Database issue causing poor sound and crashes for new installs

* Fixed: GUI: List scrolling in GUI

* Fixed: GUI: Wizard sets input profile after use

* Fixed: GUI: Input profile shows default correctly

* Added: Initial Android support



* If you performed a fresh install of 0.8.0 please install this

immediately to fix poor sound and crashing. Updates from previous

version should not be affected.


* Android support is Alpha, requires external controller and is

currently awkward to setup, but works. Recommended steps:

1. Install BIOS and ROMS to device external storage

2. Pair controller to device

3. Install and start kat5200

4. Using Wizard, choose joystick and setup ROM directories

5. Press Ok to Scan using Wizard

6. From Options->User Interface check Start GUI with Launcher

7. If desired check Start Program with GUI

8. Setup controller for Exit and Back actions

9. From Options->Input, check and customize input settings as needed

Start/Pause/Reset/#/* need mapped to controller

10. Launch ROMS from Launcher or File->Load ROM

* Back button switches between GUI and Emulator


Get Android test version Here: https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.jillybunch.kat5200


This should fix issues with sound and crashing on fresh installs with 0.8.0. Sorry about those issues!


Please let me know of any bugs or suggestions. Thanks!


Get here: http://kat5200.jillybunch.com/




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Sound is clean and clear and no more crashing, thank you! Question though, regarding the shaders (https://github.com/libretro/glsl-shaders), is there a list of which ones work and which ones do not?


So far, I tried crt-geom.glslp as well as crt-geom.glsl. Both import fine into kat5200. When the *.glslp file is utilized, the game sounds can be heard but the screen is all black. Trying the *.glsl file, there is no impact to the display output. It appears exactly the same as 'raw' video output with no filter applied.


Ideally, it would nice to see the "geom" shader(s) work or any other ones the simulate a rounded CRT screen. Round corner (adjustments) are nice too, but at the very least curvature of the screen is the goal.

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Hey Trebor,


You definitely must use the glslp files, not the glsl, those will get loaded per the glslp file. I should have prevented those from being loaded.


I don't have a list, but most should work. I know some did not work for me before but recent updates to the shaders have fixed them for me.


For crt-geom specifically, It worked fine for me on my Mac and Linux machines. For my windows machine I had to disable curvature (Misc->Shaders->Edit) to get it to work. You may be experiencing the same thing and I don't know why yet. But this is the kind of feedback that will help me understand how good or bad it is right now.


crt lottes is one that has curvature and has worked fine across all platforms for me.



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Tried the crt-lottes.glslp shader and received the same blank/black screen. Tried to edit the file resulting in a few emulator crashes. Tried setting the shader to none, then edit the shader and same crashes experienced a couple of more times.


Finally, after the 3rd or 4th attempt, it brings up the initial edit screen of the shader; however, once the pull down arrow is utilized, kat5200 always crashes. I have not been able to go any further to edit as a result.

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Ok, so just to be sure if you look at the glslp file, it gives you the relative path to the glsl file it needs to find. Is that directory structure setup right on your computer so that the glsl file is relative to the glslp file?


I'm guessing to set these up you just downloaded the zip file from that site and unpacked?


At any rate the crashes sure aren't good.



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Here is the content of the glslp file:




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As far as I can determine, it appears crt-lottes.glsl should be in a directory/folder labeled "shaders". I followed the exact structure as setup on the site, meaning:






That crt folder is a subfolder within the root kat5200 folder where the emulator (executable is stored). I have kat5200 importing the glslp file from the crt subfolder.

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Ok so the stuff in the Spoiler tag is definitely not the right file contents (a weird copy and paste thing maybe?), the glslp file is very simple. For crt-lottes.glslp it is:

shaders = 1

shader0 = shaders/crt-lottes.glsl
filter_linear0 = false
scale_type_0 = source

So make sure it is looking something like that. If not, I would go back to that site, click the green button near the top and download the zip with everything. Then unpack everything and it should get the directory structure right.



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...go back to that site, click the green button near the top and download the zip with everything. Then unpack everything and it should get the directory structure right...




Fresh (zipped) download of the shaders - Instead of cherry picking, I took the whole enchilada - and...






Chalk that up as user error, Brian...Sorry. Looks (and sounds) great. Thanks, again!


Just a quick (legit) bug report. Pitfall II - Lost Caverns - rogue black scanline across the upper right hand side of the screen; it occupies ~1/3 the width of the screen. It is seen at the beginning as well as when the appropriate status/gameplay line appears across the top:


Tried with two different Pitfall II dumps:


CRC32: 14DB6854


SHA-1: 69E4D56E1B202824F602F5E320DFC5D23CB4BA2E


CRC32: 4B910461

MD5: 7C27D225A13E178610BABF331A0759C0

SHA-1: B051F0FB2E816787AB6EED0CB008B9F8CC9963DC


The former is recognized as an overdump, the latter is a good dump. Regardless, same issue occurs with both dumps:




...For crt-geom specifically, It worked fine for me on my Mac and Linux machines. For my windows machine I had to disable curvature (Misc->Shaders->Edit) to get it to work. You may be experiencing the same thing and I don't know why yet. But this is the kind of feedback that will help me understand how good or bad it is right now...


Just a heads-up respecting the above. Curvature does not need to be disabled for crt-geom. For some reason, kat5200 blank/black screens on the default "CRTGeom Curvature Raduius" setting of 2.0. Change that to any of the following: ...1.8, 1.9, 2.1, 2.2... and it works perfectly. A lower number produces a greater curvature, and of course then, higher numbers produce a smaller curvature.

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Great, glad that did it! Obviously it would be better if the emulator told you what was wrong rather than crashing, I'll yell at the QA dept.... oh wait.. :-D


For some reason, on one of my machines, having curvature set at all would in a blank screen. Could just be that particular video cards implementation of some OpenGL function. I'll check on the 2.0 to be sure it isn't the emulator. That was crt-geom?


Thanks for reporting the Pitfall II issue, right now I think I know of that one, Caverns of Mars that Jetboot reported, and the start screen on Rescue on Fractalus has a stray line that goes away when you start.



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