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VBI help with timer


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I've set up the following as a VBI, and it works for the most part:

; Constants
VVBLKI      = $0222; VBI vector
SYSVBV      = $e45f; jump to OS VBI
RTCLOK      = $14
counth      = $604
countl      = $605
ts0         = $600
ts1         = $601
ts2         = $602
ts3         = $603

    *= $610

    lda #0
    sta countl   ; Reset counter to 0
    sta counth

    lda #<VBI; register new VBI subroutine
    sta VVBLKI
    lda #>VBI
    sta VVBLKI+1

    lda #$c0; enable VBI's/DLI's
    sta NMIEN

    lda #60
    cmp RTCLOK
    bcs done
    lda #0
    sta RTCLOK  ; Reset Clock
    inc ts0
    bne done
    inc ts1
    bne done
    inc ts2
    bne done
    inc ts3

    inc countl
    bne check1k
    inc counth

    ldy countl
    lda counth
    cpy #$e8
    bne exit
    cmp #$03
    bne exit
    inc RTCLOK
    lda #0
    sta countl
    sta counth

    jmp SYSVBV

The VBI increments a 32 bit number every second located at $600. It all works except the code increments the number slightly slower than a second.


Joe_z did the math for me, and every 1000 jiffies I need to add 1 jiffy since the clock isn't precisely 60 times a second. That's what the check1k procedure does, but it doesn't seem to help, the clock still runs slow.


What did I miss?


(p.s. This is a procedure in a larger MAD Pascal program.)

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May as well cater for PAL too... looks like an extra tick every 357 makes it more accurate.


In both cases you'll still get drift. I don't know if an extra couple of layers of corrections will bring it true or if it's just a repeating series of errors.

You'd probably be able to get more accurate timing using Pokey Timers but even then you're still relying on the system clock speed which in itself has some inaccuracy.

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