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I hope Pengo is going to be great.. I love that game and look forward to playing it on either one or both of these consoles.


I would love to see Opcode do something to unify his systems like the Omni linking with the Promethus Lite to do nifty things or enhancements or something or vice versa.


Nintendo GBC games would often give you a bonus if playing on a GBA, or the transfer pak would open up some extra stuff on Mario Tennis GBC if you linked it with Mario Tennis N64 like characters and a level or two. I like the way some game devs do enhancements for both systems as a reward for buying both versions or something.


In any case I am sure he is making a unique console that will be really fun no matter what is does.

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I hope Pengo is going to be great.. I love that game and look forward to playing it on either one or both of these consoles.


I would love to see Opcode do something to unify his systems like the Omni linking with the Promethus Lite to do nifty things or enhancements or something or vice versa.


Nintendo GBC games would often give you a bonus if playing on a GBA, or the transfer pak would open up some extra stuff on Mario Tennis GBC if you linked it with Mario Tennis N64 like characters and a level or two. I like the way some game devs do enhancements for both systems as a reward for buying both versions or something.


In any case I am sure he is making a unique console that will be really fun no matter what is does.

Interesting suggestion about bonus material if you buy both versions. Not sure I would buy 2 versions of the same game myself, even if there was bonus material. Homebrews on cartridge are expensive enough without buying 2 of the same game. All moot if there's only one version of Pengo anyway, which there probably is. My suggestion would be perhaps a small discount on the consoles or towards a game if you purchase both consoles.

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