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Stella - Overscan

Atari Nut

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Since Stella and your OS usually cannot know how large the overscan area of the individual TV is, you only have the option to disable full screen mode and manually adjust the zoom. As of now, this is only possible in steps, but we have plans to make this continuous.

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Nothing that outputs video can know what the TV's overscan area is as each tv is different. The original Atari 2600 would have displayed extra lines at the top and borders on the left and right side to account for overscan in 1970s televisions. Compare stella to the mame 2600 emulator, mame adds border to the top and sides. Raspberry pi has overscan settings, but I'm not sure if it affects a full screen program.


Can you explain what you mean exactly by "hide" the overscan area. Are you outputting to an analog crt television.

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I think he means to cover up the those black line things. Like in Air-Sea Battle.


They don't bother me much and most graphics cards allow you to run a pre-set profile when a certain program is run, enabling custom geometry/size settings to be sent to the monitor. Settings that can resize the image. So the junk disappears. It's kind of a kludge. The elegant solution is to have the emulator take care of it all, especially considering how high PC resolutions are today and how low the VCS is.

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That could be, but those lines are part of the visible area and in most cartridges part of the active game area. I think some cartridges do black it out like expanded border on the left side.


Going back to the overscan; unlike other game systems overscan in the atari 2600 must be part of the cartridge program and stella must be programmed to not display it. It shouldn't be hard for stella to display overscan areas if it's a beneficial feature.

Edited by mr_me
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Can you explain what you mean exactly by "hide" the overscan area. Are you outputting to an analog crt television.


I'm just outputting to a LCD monitor. I don't want to see the areas that were hidden when I played it back in the 70s. Altirra has the option. The edges that were hidden from view on a CRT can be hid.



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To me, stella is already cutting out any border at the top and sides (there's a very thin border at the top). Maybe the bottom extends a little more than you'd see on a tv, depending on the cartridge. If you had a really old TV, sometimes the active area got hidden. With the intellivision emulator, jzintv, I asked for more border so it looks more like it use to.

Edited by mr_me
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