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TIPI / RPI / File Project Repository


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I'm not exactly sure how one may describe it, but throwing something out there to see if may tickle someone's interest.


I am wondering about the possibility multiple users working on a project together, with a RPI as the file repository for a project.


Github is fine for some people working on a project, however, I am a bit more old school dealing with assembly source files and do not have a desire to learn all the nuances in addition to the C language for the gcc compiler.


What I wonder is what would be involved so that a user could retrieve a file for editing / submission purposes from someone's RPI for projects involving multiple programmers? I'm thinking with the filename such as TIPI.URL1.Filename,username,password would allow secured reading/writing access. Maybe a separate app someone could run that would give a user write permission by the hosting TIPI/RPI unit???


At the moment, I am not sure if our current editors out there would choke on a comma in the filename (perhaps a semicolon?) to know if we may need to modify an editor or two.


Anyways, just throwing some thoughts out there for an idea.


Thoughts? It's not something I am capable of doing, but I see it as something that may be beneficial for some programmers............




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well, there are webservers that allow url based authentication... the URL syntax is:




You could open PI.https://beery:password12@protectedserver.com/projects/proja/PROJA.A99


That'd read the file... if TIPI were extended to allow writing to PI.http files (tipi/services/CurlFile.py - collect the records in memory then do a POST to the url with the python curl api) then you could write to them...


You could amend the TIPI web-ui webserver to require access control and authentication... Or set up an instance of apache that would just require configuration.


This is a horrible way to collaborate though... like dropbox sharing... you could also dropbox share... I believe it is possible to run a dropbox daemon on raspbian, and conrol where the shared folder is located... so it could just be under tipi_disk/DROPBOX


Or you could mount an FTP folder under tipi_disk, and add an FTP server to your own raspberry pi... username and password are supplied when you mount... or cached in a config file...




Or you could just learn something easier than git, like subversion... checkout the source your want to collaborate under tipi_disk... use a side workflow to benefit from actual version control. anything with an ssh server on it can be a git or subversion server.



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I would also wonder if there are multiple developers of a project then there really should be some type of check-in / check-out method to ensure that more than 1 developer could not check it out at a time. This would also allow some type of version control maybe.

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