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Nukey Shay

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My doctor says that hacking is bad for your health. He says if I don't quit smoking soon, I may be hacking for the rest of my life. So I suppose I really should try the patch. But it's not legal at my age! And besides, I'm worried about getting a rash... or what might happen if I get addicted to the patch and I wander around town looking like a patchwork quilt?! And the gum tastes like crap! I think I'll just keep smoking. *cough cough... HACK!!@!*








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Talking about patches there should be a way to patch atari 2600 games so that you can distribute the cool hacks legally :D  


What do u think?


Yes, there is. Use a utility like HJsplit to cut your hack in half...then post up the half that contains the changes. It will be unable to run unless somebody does the same thing (cut the rom, paste yours on). Sort of like tearing a dollar in half :P


Of course, the more extensive the changes are, the less likely that somebody will be able to patch it on their own. Especially if you've disassembled the game and moved things around in memory - recompiled it.


If you are worried about hacks done on roms available right here, I wouldn't. Nobody's been busted so f...

wait a minute...there's somebody at the door.

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Or you can download SNESTOOL. It has a listing to make the patch. You just have to have your new ROM and a copy of the original so that it compares the changes to make the patch from. Really very easy. :wink: Then when someone wants to use the patch, SNEStool can also do that... just have a copy of the ROM and the IPS patch. Super-nifty-cool!


Sorry about my little fit above. I forgot my ritalin this morning.

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I think he should just do it, TJ you should know by now how much work went into it.  ;) This ain't no hack.  8)

Well, how you name it, IMO doesn't matter.


But it contains old and new "interlectual property" from people who haven't agreed or even have helped based on promises that would be broken then.

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Well, how you name it, IMO doesn't matter.  


But it contains old and new "interlectual property" from people who haven't agreed or even have helped based on promises that would be broken then.


I can see both sides of this now having heard Thomas's view. Maybe if *ahem* is at least given some time to respond/react before any further action is taken. Wasn't __ his original intention anyways? (although a much more primitive form :wink: ) ? I don't see why *ahem* would disagree, especially when there is so very little of his own code left, __ could hardly be linked back to him anyways... right?


If I'm being too loud here, let me know and I'll edit my post.

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I think he should just do it, TJ you should know by now how much work went into it.  ;) This ain't no hack.  8)

Well, how you name it, IMO doesn't matter.


But it contains old and new "interlectual property" from people who haven't agreed or even have helped based on promises that would be broken then.

Exactly right...but what I was getting at was the patch itself wouldn't contain any code from either one...no intellectual property at all. So it would be up to the individual to track down an original (which means at that time they would already have it). Is that underhanded? I can't see how. In either case, they would already have something that they were never meant to.

That would be pretty much the same as reburning an eprom, right? They've got the code, I've got the patch.


As far as actually tracking down an original goes, that appears to be a bit easier than I thought (they can figure that out on their own). It's just not here.

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I don't see why *ahem* would disagree, especially when there is so very little of his own code left, __ could hardly be linked back to him anyways...  right?

IMO you are probably right, but still we are only speculating until we get some response.

"If I'm being too loud here, let me know and I'll edit my post."

Didn't know that you know too.

Maybe we should really continue discussing this privately. Or maybe we can have a private forum for discussing things like this? Al?"

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Exactly right...but what I was getting at was the patch itself wouldn't contain any code from either one...no intellectual property at all.  So it would be up to the individual to track down an original (which means at that time they would already have it).  Is that underhanded?  I can't see how.  In either case, they would already have something that they were never meant to.

That would be pretty much the same as reburning an eprom, right?  They've got the code, I've got the patch.


As far as actually tracking down an original goes, that appears to be a bit easier than I thought (they can figure that out on their own).  It's just not here.

Legally you may be in a safe postion then. And by not distributing or telling the original at all, you are not directly harming their interests. But only as long as the original ROM and name is not illegally distributed by anyone else. And your patch makes that going to happen more likely.

(BTW: Selling carts would be still be illegal unless the owner proves to have the original too)


Anyway, I would still prefer at least some response from them, before I support doing something that can not be undone again.

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And your patch makes that going to happen more likely.

How? They would already have it. Contrary to my previous belief, it's not very hard to track down.




Anyway, I would still prefer at least some response from them, before I support doing something that can not be undone again.

True that...which is why it hasn't already been done. I've already got Al's permission. But getting "official" permission seems to be impossible (even getting an actual "no").

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