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RS Hockey Kernel

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*until the stella list is up and running, I thought I'd post this here*


Hello all,


As promised, here is the beginning of the kernel for my RS Hockey game. Right now it's not doing much - just dispalying the rink (with full vertical scrolling), clock, period and score. Next step is to display the puck.


LDA  PFData2,X	; [55] + 4

STA  PF2	; [59] + 3	all set for next section

LDA  PFData1,X	; [62] + 4

STA  PF1	; [66] + 3


LDA  IceColor,X	; [69] + 4	

STA  COLUBK	; [73] + 3	end of line 4

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


CPY  BallY	; [0] + 3

BEQ  EnableBall	; [3] + 2/3

LDA  #00	; [5] + 2

JMP  DrawBall	; [7] + 3


LDA  #02	; [6] + 2

NOP  ; [8] + 2


STA  ENABL	; [10] + 3

DEY  ; 2

STA  WSYNC	; [13] + 3	end of line 1

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


DEY  ; 2

STA  WSYNC	;  	end of line 2

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


DEY  ; 2	

STA  WSYNC	;  	end of line 3

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------


SLEEP 46	; [0] + 46

INX    ; [46] + 2

DEY  ; [48] + 2	decrement the scanline we're on

BEQ  DoneLoop	; [50] + 2

LDA  PFData2,X	; [52] + 4

STA  PF2	; [56] + 3	all set for next section

LDA  PFData1,X	; [59] + 4

STA  PF1	; [63] + 3

JMP  ScanLoop	; [66] + 3


I'm using Y to count the relative scanline (0-159) and X as an index into the data for PF1, PF2 and COLUBK. I've divided the playing area (160 pixels) into 40 loops of 4 scanlines and I'm updating PF1, PF2 and the COLUBK at the end of the 4th scanline for the *next* group of 4 scanlines. This is leaving me with 74 cycles for 3 scanlines (since I DEY on each line, assuming I get rid of the WSYNC) and 46 for the 4th line (taken up by a SLEEP right now).


I quickly put together some code to display the puck (ball) at the beginning of scanline 1 (it takes up 13 cycles). Of course, this will only display the puck when it's on scanline 0, 4, 8, etc. and keep it displayed for 4 lines (which isn't the desired result). I'm not sure how to proceed here - do I duplicate the ball-display code for each scan line? Is this the most efficient way to enable/disable the ball? Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.


I hope this post isn't out of line for the Newbies forum - I've only been doing this stuff for a few months and consider myself a newbie, especially if I have questions about displaying the ball!! :) If there is a better forum for this (perhaps the Programming forum) I'll be more than happy to post there.


Thanks again for any help!!


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Hmmm... I can't seem to figure out how to post something to stellalist. I subscribed to it a couple years ago, and then unsubscribed. When I go to http://www.biglist.com/lists/stella, it just says:


"The stella mailing list is in the process of being migrated to new hardware and mailing list software and will return soon. Archives are available."


When I browse the archives there doesn't seem to be a clear way to register, sign in, or post any messages. Am I missing something???


Any advice or direction is greatly appreciated.



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Thanks for the link. Unfortunately, I still can't figure out how to actually sign in as a new user. The "new user" link seems to be only for getting a password confirmation email. I think my brain is fried from cycle counting... :| Am I missing something basic here?


Thanks again for your patience and assistance.

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Dennis - I figured it out. Just had to follow the "unsubscribe" links and I eventually was able to "subscribe"... :roll: :)


BTW - great work on Climber 5! I played it for about an hour down at Philly 5 and that experience was very insprirational in my decision to finally start a game. I also had a nice talk with Kirk Israel (of JoustPong fame) and he convinced me to just get to work and shoot for Philly 6 (thanks Kirk!)


Anyway - expect some posts about RS Hockey on Stellalist very soon!



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Can I ask, is this a work from scratch or a hack of international soccer? Either way it looks very good.


AtariLeaf - thanks for your interest in this. To answer your question - this is a work from scratch (not a hack of M-Network's Soccer). I have some big plans for this game and hopefully I can implement them all. If all goes well and the game doesn't stink :), I definitely have plans on selling it in cart form in one way or another.


Thanks again!

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Can I ask, is this a work from scratch or a hack of international soccer? Either way it looks very good.


AtariLeaf - thanks for your interest in this. To answer your question - this is a work from scratch (not a hack of M-Network's Soccer). I have some big plans for this game and hopefully I can implement them all. If all goes well and the game doesn't stink :), I definitely have plans on selling it in cart form in one way or another.


Thanks again!


Excellent. As you can tell by name username and avatar, I'm a big hockey fan (Toronto Maple Leafs). I've been hoping for a new 2600 hockey game. Please make one of the teams blue and white. :D

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Can I ask, is this a work from scratch or a hack of international soccer? Either way it looks very good.


AtariLeaf - thanks for your interest in this. To answer your question - this is a work from scratch (not a hack of M-Network's Soccer). I have some big plans for this game and hopefully I can implement them all. If all goes well and the game doesn't stink :), I definitely have plans on selling it in cart form in one way or another.


Thanks again!


Excellent. As you can tell by name username and avatar, I'm a big hockey fan (Toronto Maple Leafs). I've been hoping for a new 2600 hockey game. Please make one of the teams blue and white. :D


As a Blue Jackets fan, I have to say that a blue and red team would look better on that rink surface. ;)


I can't wait to see the finished product.

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Can I ask, is this a work from scratch or a hack of international soccer? Either way it looks very good.


AtariLeaf - thanks for your interest in this. To answer your question - this is a work from scratch (not a hack of M-Network's Soccer). I have some big plans for this game and hopefully I can implement them all. If all goes well and the game doesn't stink :), I definitely have plans on selling it in cart form in one way or another.


Thanks again!


Excellent. As you can tell by name username and avatar, I'm a big hockey fan (Toronto Maple Leafs). I've been hoping for a new 2600 hockey game. Please make one of the teams blue and white. :D


As a Blue Jackets fan, I have to say that a blue and red team would look better on that rink surface. ;)


I can't wait to see the finished product.


Wow - glad to see some real interest in this!! As for uniform colors, if all goes well you'll be able to select from a group of colors for your teams (ala Double Dunk) but I'll have to wait and see if I have enough cycles to do that. If not, expect a black and gold team (Go Bruins!!! )... :D


I plan on posting in the Homebrew Discussion forum to get some ideas on gameplay, etc. I have a pretty good idea about what I want to do but I'm always open to suggestions...


Thanks again,

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Dumb question #2:


Now that I'm subscribed to the Stellalist, how do I post something? I assume I send an email somewhere, but I can't for the life of me find the address anywhere in the confirmation emails. Also - where are the archives? I know there are some at http://www.biglist.com/lists/stella/archives, but they only seem to go up to May. Where are all the new messages being saved?


Any info is appreciated!!



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Congrats for starting what, I believe, is the first major team sports simulation homebrew! The playfield looks great -- in fact it looks like a "coleco/stiga style" slot hockey board without the slots!


Unrelated note: Beamrider reminds me of playing slot hockey. Really.

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