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Vectrex/6809 question.


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I am learning 6809 assembly language (which is my first assembly language) and am having difficulties doing array like code.


I have made a variable:

InvaderXY equ $c886

and left space for 25 entries before the next variable



I give set the coords at start up:

lda #10

sta #InvaderXY

sta #InvaderXY+2

sta #InvaderXY+4

sta #InvaderXY+6

sta #InvaderXY+8


lda #10

sta #InvaderXY+1

lda #20

sta #InvaderXY+3

lda #30

sta #InvaderXY+5

lda #40

sta #InvaderXY+7

lda #50

sta #InvaderXY+9

..which should spread them out a bit



to draw the vectors I do this:

lda #0

sta Temp ;set Temp to 0





ldx #InvaderXY ;set X as the address of InvaderXY

lda Temp,x ;put value at (InvaderXY + X) into A

inc Temp ;add 1 to Temp to get the X coordinate

ldb Temp,x ;put value ..... into B

....draw the object at ldb,lda.. loop around until all are drawn



This doesn't seem to work though.. What is the best way to create/read/write array type variables in 6809 asm?



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sta #InvaderXY

'#' means immediate mode. you don't store immediate. (actually there are places in the opcodes for a store immediate, but it always stores an FF, or FF followed by the low byte for a 2-byte store)


Hey, this ain't no stinking 6502! You have a real index register, you know!


here's a better version of your initialization, but a loop would be better

  lda #10
 ldb #10
 ldx #InvaderXY; or leax InvaderXY,PC if you're doing position-independent code
 std ,x++
 ldb #20
 std ,x++
 ldb #30
 std ,x++
 ldb #40
 std ,x++
 ldb #50
 std ,x++

this is a little better version of the other part:

  ldx #InvaderXY; base address
 ldb #invadernumber
 aslb; multiply by 2
 incb; X is the second byte
 lda b,x; get X position
 adda #10
 sta b,x
 cmpa #60
 bls .1
 lda #10; go back to the left
 sta b,x
 decb; Y is the first byte
 lda b,x; get Y position
 adda #10
 sta b,x

except this is really the "right" way to do it:

  ldx #InvaderXY; base address
 ldb #invadernumber
 aslb; multiply by 2
 leax b,x; now X points to the current invader
 lda 1,x; get X position
 adda #10
 sta 1,x
 cmpa #60
 bls .1
 lda #10; go back to the left
 sta 1,x
 lda 0,x; get Y position
 adda #10
 sta 0,x

One other thing to watch out for on with the Vectrex is that IIRC, some of the Exec calls expect the DP register =D0 and some expect it =C8.


/got paid to work on 6809 code for over four years

Edited by Bruce Tomlin
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Thanks for you help!


I have a couple of questions though, if you don't mind.


What do these mean:

lda 1,x

sta 1,x


I know what ld and st do but don't understand the "1,x".. Does it mean load/store at 1 + x? The pdf I have doesn't seem to detail all of the addressing modes...



Also I have found a problem with comparing negative numbers with positive numbers.. The code would be something like:



;moves the enemies in direction EnemyDir (which is either 4, or -4)

lda EnemyX

adda EnemyDir

sta EnemyX


;see if enemies have gone too far left

cmpa #-110

bls changeDirR


;if if enemies have gone too far right

;this is where the problem is, if this number isn't negative then

;the comparison doesn't work.

cmpa #-5

bhs changeDirL


;otherwise skip ahead to the next section

bra fireBullet



lda #-4

sta EnemyDir

bra fireBullet



lda #4

sta EnemyDir




Thanks again for your help

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