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Assembler/Editor cart question..

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Here is the DATASM/65 disk. It's DOS 2.0 and the assembler is the AUTORUN.SYS. I didn't try it on the 800XL that I used to image it, but under Altirra it only works on an 800. Under the XL setting, the screen flashes a command list that you don't see when you're using it on the 800. Pressing H for help gets you a message to call Datasoft at some no doubt long out of service telephone number, lol.


It's awful. Load the demo program into the editor to see the way the source code has to be formatted for the assembler to work. I honestly can't believe they charged people money for this. I guess it was desperate times in 1981, people would buy any piece of crap just to have something to use with their shiny new 800. Really, you need to run this to see just how bad it is. No wonder people love AMAC or even the ASM/ED cartridge.


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Thank you soooo much Alfred! Yes, there were hard times in the beginning. We still remember Kathleen, who brought us the 1st assembler. It was, like Carol Shaw, a woman! In the equation library we find:

;* JUNE 1979 *
So, that means, it was for OS A, maybe B. Anyway adaptions had to be made. Yeah, in the golden age it was hard doing assembler. Stephen's outstanding work 1st surfaced in 1982 on disk. Not to forgot EASMD, of course. On saturday, I heard, that in East Germany, the used BASIC to peek and poke the bytes into the Atari... As far as I remember, there was even a Basic program to do assembler...;-) Crazy times, but sometimes there was no alternative. The more you know something like this here, the more respect the people have for the performances of the later ones. Therefore, you did it again Alfred, saving this for the generations who follow us. Thank you so much, again. Please stay healthy and with us. The community really needs you! All the best.

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I might have to disassemble this thing to patch it to work under SpartaDos. It's just so awful I think I need to try running it along with that ridiculous converter program to see just how terrible it is. We should all be bowing down to Kathleen for creating the ASM/ED cartridge and saving us from the h*ll of using this godawful thing.

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