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ATARI touch me

Rick Weis

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  • 10 months later...
speaking of which, i go to change the battery in it when i happen to see...

Warning: Radioactive materials

in this small metal box. radioactive symbol and everything.

and i said "oh wonderfull!"

Dont Worry about your Smoke detector, its passive.

it kinda uses radio waves in a very small spectrum, like sonar, its looking for an interuption on recieving the signal

on the other hand, look at your microwave oven thats active.

where a power source generates radio waves to excite the water molocules in your food to the point they create heat.

now, I want you to go to your local neigborhood satilite up/downlink station and watch birds drop out of the sky whenever they fly in front of the dish

just a happy thought from the gnome :party:

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 years later...


WOW!! never thought of that!!! (just kidding)    icon_smile.gif


i hate buying 9v batties other then the atari touch me

the only good thing they are good for are smoke detectors!




Not only that but hell, they cost almost MORE THEN WHAT THE DEVICE YOUR PUTTING BATTERIES INTO! Geesh.. sorry.... Just go to Wal*Mart and get one of their cheapy 99 cent 9volts.


I couldn't find any cheap ones where I was at and spent like $5.79 on 3 9-volts.. killer!

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the atari touch me has a smaller hole! i have already tried that....


It uses a 1/32" plug .. similar to the 1/16" plug that the 2600 uses only smaller. 9v DC power. If you buy a generic RS power supply which allows you to change plugs ... that will work. And yes I have used both 9v batteries and PS with my Touch Me!


Gosh I still remember the suprise of seeing a bright yellow box with Atari on it at the thrift. Wow!


Rob Mitchell, Atlanta, GA

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
speaking of which, i go to change the battery in it when i happen to see...

Warning: Radioactive materials

in this small metal box. radioactive symbol and everything.

and i said "oh wonderfull!"



The sensor in your smoke detector has a VERY small amount of Americium (1/5000 g) in it. The americium ionizes the air in the detector and allows a small current to flow between two electrodes. When smoke or other particulates enter the chamber, the smoke particles absorb the alpha particles from the americium causing that "keeper current" to drop. This drop in current latches the smoke detector's alarm on.


This is all explained in detail here:




Unless you break the sensor of your detector open and make an effort to ingest the stuff, it isn't going to hurt you (and probably not even then). The radiation is absorbed by the body of the sensor itself. An assembled smoke detector emits less radiation than background radiation.

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