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Flack's Daily Smack - Happy bomb drill day, everybody!


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Happy bomb drill day, everybody!

Maybe I wasn't clear enough in my entry yesterday about the heat. It's hot. I mean, HOT. The thermometer on my truck yesterday on the way home read 113 degrees! That is not a typo -- 113 degrees!!! Last night at 10pm it was 90 degrees -- this morning at 6am, it was 85.


Today, someone at work decided it would be a good day for a bomb threat drill. Maybe they were delirious from the heat or something. Don't get me wrong -- I am certainly all for safety procedures and all that good stuff, but MAN it sure would have been nice to have it earlier in the morning before it got hot!


When there's a bomb threat, we are instructed to search our immediate area for strange packages before heading to our designated meeting area. In the case of a real bomb emergency I wonder how many people would actually do that? Don't they have robots and dogs for that? If there's a real bomb emergency you will find me 100 miles (not 100 feet) from the building -- not to mention the fact that instead of hanging out in the parking lot with fellow co-workers I will be heading to my daycare (which is two buildings away from mine) and grabbing my kids.


So anyway around 10am, everyone in my building (several hundred people) piled out of our air conditioned cubicles and marched like ants out to our designated meeting spots -- ours is in front of a tree, two buildings (maybe a quarter of a mile) away. The tree provided a little shade, but it was also filled with swarming bees, forcing everyone in our party to choose one or the other (bees, or melting sun rays).


With a hundred or so people gathered around it reminded me of those group photos you always see. Susan had her camera with her so I borrowed it. I walked down to the front of the group and said loudly, "OKAY, EVERYBODY NEEDS TO CROWD IN TOGETHER" and started flailing my arms around like group photographers sometimes do. While everyone was squeezing together and laughing, I took this picture.




Happy bomb drill day, everybody!



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