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About EmOneGarand

  • Birthday 02/28/1984

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  1. Have you tried running the binaries in BigPEmu? Sometimes it something going wrong with Virtual Jag from what I've encountered.
  2. Nevermind, I found a solution. I've been following your tutorial for setting up VS 2019 but I can't compile anything, it spits out a 58 count list of errors all in the CC65 header files which are untouched. Kind of confused, I had cloned your Hello World example project from Github and that compiled fine but creating a new project following the tutorial does not.
  3. You seem be missing a part if that second image is current: I believe its an Inductor part of the backlight circuit
  4. Thanks a lot! That worked, got it working again under battery power.
  5. Hey all, I got my hands on a "broken" Lynx to see if I could repair it. It actually functioned just fine with batteries but the Power Connector had broken off inside. I soldered in a new connector so I could use an AC adapter to power it but that didn't work so I tried to replace the power circuit parts that typically fail. However while trying to remove the Q12 MOSFET which was being a real pain, I ripped off the pad for the Gate pin... Where does that Gate pin pad connect to? The schematic made it look like it was to R71 but I'm unsure, there is also a trace underneath where the stub that is the Drain pin is but I couldn't tell if that was connected while trying to remove the old one. Now it won't power on at all even with Battery power. Anybody else had this issue and been able to fix it?
  6. I've been fiddling with scaling at runtime but I can't seem to offset the origin so that its not scaling from (0,0) of the sprite but instead the center of the sprite rectangle. How is that done with the JagStudio API?
  7. Alright, thanks using what you guys told me I was able to get a single clut for my current items by making a very long vertical sprite strip. Its the same width as the original sprite strips but now when I compile the game the sprite is offset on the X-axis and I'm unsure of why or how to fix it... I've included my files below if anybody would like to take a look to see why its doing this. blockchain_breaker.zip
  8. Are there any examples on how to use CLUT properly? I'm trying to convert several of my graphics to 8bpp to reduce their footprint but I'm running into the issue of it only showing one sprites proper palette while scrambling another. It also seems to change the color of my Text layer. How it looks How I'm trying to initialize the CLUT for two sprites, can you not load more then one CLUT at a time? void InitializeCoins() { jsfLoadClut((unsigned short *)STRPTR(SPRITE_DOGEBLK_clut), 0, 255); jsfLoadClut((unsigned short *)STRPTR(SPRITE_BYTEBLK_clut), 0, 255); } assets ABS,SPRITE_DOGEBLK,gfx_clut,ASSETS\GFX\doge_8bpp.bmp ABS,SPRITE_BYTEBLK,gfx_clut,ASSETS\GFX\byte_8bpp.bmp My rapinit entries for the objects ; Block1 dc.l 10 ; (REPEAT COUNTER) ; Create this many objects of this type (or 1 for a single object) dc.l is_active ; sprite_active ; sprite active flag dc.w 20,0 ; sprite_x ; 16.16 x value to position at dc.w 60,0 ; sprite_y ; 16.16 y value to position at dc.w 0,0 ; sprite_xadd ; 16.16 x addition for sprite movement dc.w 0,0 ; sprite_yadd ; 16.16 y addition for sprite movement dc.l 32 ; sprite_width ; width of sprite (in pixels) dc.l 32 ; sprite_height ; height of sprite (in pixels) dc.l is_normal ; sprite_flip ; flag for mirroring data left<>right dc.l 0 ; sprite_coffx ; x offset from center for collision box center dc.l 0 ; sprite_coffy ; y offset from center for collision box center dc.l 32/2 ; sprite_hbox ; width of collision box dc.l 32/2 ; sprite_vbox ; height of collision box dc.l SPRITE_DOGEBLK ; sprite_gfxbase ; start of bitmap data dc.l 8 ; (BIT DEPTH) ; bitmap depth (1/2/4/8/16/24) dc.l is_RGB ; (CRY/RGB) ; bitmap GFX type dc.l is_trans ; (TRANSPARENCY) ; bitmap TRANS flag dc.l 32*32 ; sprite_framesz ; size per frame in bytes of sprite data dc.l 32 ; sprite_bytewid ; width in bytes of one line of sprite data dc.l 3 ; sprite_animspd ; frame delay between animation changes dc.l 5 ; sprite_maxframe ; number of frames in animation chain dc.l ani_rept ; sprite_animloop ; repeat or play once dc.l !edge_wrap ; sprite_wrap ; wrap on screen exit, or remove dc.l spr_inf ; sprite_timer ; frames sprite is active for (or spr_inf) dc.l spr_linear ; sprite_track ; use 16.16 xadd/yadd or point to 16.16 x/y table dc.l 0 ; sprite_tracktop ; pointer to loop point in track table (if used) dc.l spr_unscale ; sprite_scaled ; flag for scaleable object dc.l 32 ; sprite_scale_x ; x scale factor (if scaled) dc.l 32 ; sprite_scale_y ; y scale factor (if scaled) dc.l -1 ; sprite_was_hit ; initially flagged as not hit dc.l 0 ; sprite_CLUT ; no_CLUT (8/16/24 bit) or CLUT (1/2/4 bit) dc.l can_hit ; sprite_colchk ; if sprite can collide with another dc.l cd_keep ; sprite_remhit ; flag to remove (or keep) on collision dc.l single ; sprite_bboxlink ; single for normal bounding box, else pointer to table dc.l 1 ; sprite_hitpoint ; Hitpoints before death dc.l 2 ; sprite_damage ; Hitpoints deducted from target dc.l 32 ; sprite_gwidth ; GFX width (of data) ; Block2 dc.l 9 ; (REPEAT COUNTER) ; Create this many objects of this type (or 1 for a single object) dc.l is_active ; sprite_active ; sprite active flag dc.w 35,0 ; sprite_x ; 16.16 x value to position at dc.w 32,0 ; sprite_y ; 16.16 y value to position at dc.w 0,0 ; sprite_xadd ; 16.16 x addition for sprite movement dc.w 0,0 ; sprite_yadd ; 16.16 y addition for sprite movement dc.l 32 ; sprite_width ; width of sprite (in pixels) dc.l 32 ; sprite_height ; height of sprite (in pixels) dc.l is_normal ; sprite_flip ; flag for mirroring data left<>right dc.l 0 ; sprite_coffx ; x offset from center for collision box center dc.l 0 ; sprite_coffy ; y offset from center for collision box center dc.l 32/2 ; sprite_hbox ; width of collision box dc.l 32/2 ; sprite_vbox ; height of collision box dc.l SPRITE_BYTEBLK ; sprite_gfxbase ; start of bitmap data dc.l 8 ; (BIT DEPTH) ; bitmap depth (1/2/4/8/16/24) dc.l is_RGB ; (CRY/RGB) ; bitmap GFX type dc.l is_trans ; (TRANSPARENCY) ; bitmap TRANS flag dc.l 32*32 ; sprite_framesz ; size per frame in bytes of sprite data dc.l 32 ; sprite_bytewid ; width in bytes of one line of sprite data dc.l 3 ; sprite_animspd ; frame delay between animation changes dc.l 5 ; sprite_maxframe ; number of frames in animation chain dc.l ani_rept ; sprite_animloop ; repeat or play once dc.l !edge_wrap ; sprite_wrap ; wrap on screen exit, or remove dc.l spr_inf ; sprite_timer ; frames sprite is active for (or spr_inf) dc.l spr_linear ; sprite_track ; use 16.16 xadd/yadd or point to 16.16 x/y table dc.l 0 ; sprite_tracktop ; pointer to loop point in track table (if used) dc.l spr_unscale ; sprite_scaled ; flag for scaleable object dc.l 32 ; sprite_scale_x ; x scale factor (if scaled) dc.l 32 ; sprite_scale_y ; y scale factor (if scaled) dc.l -1 ; sprite_was_hit ; initially flagged as not hit dc.l 15 ; sprite_CLUT ; no_CLUT (8/16/24 bit) or CLUT (1/2/4 bit) dc.l cant_hit ; sprite_colchk ; if sprite can collide with another dc.l cd_keep ; sprite_remhit ; flag to remove (or keep) on collision dc.l single ; sprite_bboxlink ; single for normal bounding box, else pointer to table dc.l 1 ; sprite_hitpoint ; Hitpoints before death dc.l 2 ; sprite_damage ; Hitpoints deducted from target dc.l 32 ; sprite_gwidth ; GFX width (of data)
  9. How is the background color determined with the BG value? I've looked at a couple examples and it doesn't really make sense to me. In the Spritetest C project they have: *(volatile unsigned short*)(BG)=(volatile unsigned short)2000; // Set Background colour. Which produced a Blue color, I changed that to 8000 and got a green color. I then added button inputs to increment or decrement that value and I merely got a darkening or lightening of the color I got at start up while it seemed to loop the same colors. I saw another example use a double digit number to get a lilac like color, what is the format? How would I convert RGB to get a matching color or is there a hardcoded table of color values? Looking at the includes it only shows the memory address for BG.
  10. Thanks, that fixed the issue!
  11. Well, almost have it looking right. I tried to change the image to 16-bit but it turned out scrambled even when I adjusted it (with *2 instead of *3). with the 24-bit settings: dc.l 24 ; (BIT DEPTH) dc.l 320*200*3 ; sprite_framesz dc.l 320*3 ; sprite_bytewid dc.l 320*3 ; sprite_gwidth with a 16-bit image and settings: dc.l 16 ; (BIT DEPTH) dc.l 320*200*2 ; sprite_framesz dc.l 320*2 ; sprite_bytewid dc.l 320*2 ; sprite_gwidth
  12. Alright, I've been going through trying to learn the ins and outs of the JagStudio after doing the tutorial, I'm having a hard time understanding how to work from the tutorial block for new assets in the rapinit.s file. I tried basing a background image off of the rapinit entries in a sample that had them but I get an image that is compressed horizontally and has horizontal black lines running through it. The image is 320x200, saved as an 24-bit bmp. The recolored bug2 sprite in the screenshot I did to see if it was just Photoshop messing up the format when I save it, that one showed up fine. How do I get an image to display properly? How it looks after build: What the image should look like: bg1.bmp assets.txt and rapinit.s entry ABS,SPRITE_BUG,gfx_clut16,ASSETS\GFX\bug.bmp ABS,SPRITE_BUG2,gfx_clut16,ASSETS\GFX\bug2.bmp ABS,explode_sam,sfx_raw8000,ASSETS\SFX\explosion.wav ABS,BG_STARS,gfx_clut16,ASSETS\GFX\bg1.bmp ABS,SPRITE_BUG3,gfx_clut16,ASSETS\GFX\bug3.bmp ; BG1 dc.l 1 ; (REPEAT COUNTER) ; Create this many objects of this type (or 1 for a single object) dc.l is_active ; sprite_active ; sprite active flag dc.w 0,0 ; sprite_x ; 16.16 x value to position at dc.w 0,0 ; sprite_y ; 16.16 y value to position at dc.w 0,0 ; sprite_xadd ; 16.16 x addition for sprite movement dc.w 0,0 ; sprite_yadd ; 16.16 y addition for sprite movement dc.l 320 ; sprite_width ; width of sprite (in pixels) dc.l 200 ; sprite_height ; height of sprite (in pixels) dc.l is_normal ; sprite_flip ; flag for mirroring data left<>right dc.l 0 ; sprite_coffx ; x offset from center for collision box center dc.l 0 ; sprite_coffy ; y offset from center for collision box center dc.l 32/2 ; sprite_hbox ; width of collision box dc.l 5/2 ; sprite_vbox ; height of collision box dc.l BG_STARS ; sprite_gfxbase ; start of bitmap data dc.l 24 ; (BIT DEPTH) ; bitmap depth (1/2/4/8/16/24) dc.l is_RGB ; (CRY/RGB) ; bitmap GFX type dc.l !is_trans ; (TRANSPARENCY) ; bitmap TRANS flag dc.l 320*200 ; sprite_framesz ; size per frame in bytes of sprite data dc.l 320 ; sprite_bytewid ; width in bytes of one line of sprite data dc.l 0 ; sprite_animspd ; frame delay between animation changes dc.l 0 ; sprite_maxframe ; number of frames in animation chain dc.l ani_rept ; sprite_animloop ; repeat or play once dc.l edge_ignore ; sprite_wrap ; wrap on screen exit, or remove dc.l spr_inf ; sprite_timer ; frames sprite is active for (or spr_inf) dc.l spr_linear ; sprite_track ; use 16.16 xadd/yadd or point to 16.16 x/y table dc.l 0 ; sprite_tracktop ; pointer to loop point in track table (if used) dc.l spr_unscale ; sprite_scaled ; flag for scaleable object dc.l %00100000 ; sprite_scale_x ; x scale factor (if scaled) dc.l %00100000 ; sprite_scale_y ; y scale factor (if scaled) dc.l -1 ; sprite_was_hit ; initially flagged as not hit dc.l 1 ; sprite_CLUT ; no_CLUT (8/16/24 bit) or CLUT (1/2/4 bit) dc.l !can_hit ; sprite_colchk ; if sprite can collide with another dc.l cd_keep ; sprite_remhit ; flag to remove (or keep) on collision dc.l single ; sprite_bboxlink ; single for normal bounding box, else pointer to table dc.l 1 ; sprite_hitpoint ; Hitpoints before death dc.l 2 ; sprite_damage ; Hitpoints deducted from target dc.l 320 ; sprite_gwidth ; GFX width (of data)
  13. Only changed the red color in the Color Table in photoshop to a different color, didn't change it from indexed or alter its dimensions from 960x16, saved it as a 4bpp bmp file. I'm trying to understand how the jsfFontIndx function works since it just uses an integer to select the row in the image if I'm understanding it correctly. I thought just changing the color of the second row would make the text color change if it pointed to jsfFontIndx(1) instead it just gives me that gibberish.
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