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    Quilpué, CHILE
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    Videogames en general.

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  1. Thanks for the fix. Please scroll to the link: "Megacarts_Hechos_con_Megacartstudio.zip"
  2. https://gamemasterquilpue.000webhostapp.com/Atari_Megacart.htm
  3. I built the cartridge. It works! http://spaceinvader.comuf.com/Multicartridge_Atari_con_CPLD.htm Thanks for sharing.
  4. Very good job, I 'm trying to build. The schematic is incomplete , missing the pins that go to the CPLD , there are 13 pins unidentified. Could you show complete schematic circuit? Eric
  5. fix3 is perfect! Finally, the american TV display the menu! Soon more info, thanks Alex
  6. Fix2 not work in my TOSHIBA CRT 21" NTSC Made in USA. We need another ntsc tester...
  7. Tests on real hardware. I made a wired multicart 64/128KB, and tried some roms. All ok, it works, change to the games, and the games run perfect, but the menu remains PAL, and does not work on a NTSC console and TV. Video: I put the NTSC mode properly, here it is the code: megacardmenu_v2_2_TEST_pal.asm megacardmenu_v2_2_TEST_ntsc.asm In Stella, works ok, but in actual hardware, no. Maybe someone can fix this ...
  8. Thanks to alex_79 and DrWho198 for your patience. The last code it seems PAL only, (strange colors), not work in NTSC. And, Mouse Trap not work at all. The bin:megacardmenu_v2_2fix+games PAL ONLY.bin This is, at the moment, the best code (for me ) : megacardmenu_15_games_4K_ntsc_test1.asm The problem is Mouse Trap corrupt. The rest is perfect.
  9. megacardmenu_v2_2.asm not work... menu is ok, but games don't run (yes, I add the games). Or, I'm doing something wrong...
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