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  1. Unijoysticle 2 800XL: gamepad for Atari 800XL from Retro Moe on Tindie
  2. Yes, I assumed that local variables are initialized every time you call a function, but it seems local variables in (Mad) Pascal act more like static local variables in C language. I like Mad Pascal. It makes me more productive.
  3. Thank you for your help. Maybe I wasn't specific enough - the following test code is OK for the first call, but not for other consecutive calls: uses crt; function xyz():word; var val:word=0; val1:word=0; begin repeat writeln('0. val1=',val1, ' val=', val); val1 := 10; Readkey; writeln('1. val1=',val1, ' val=', val); if (val1 <> 0) then val := 10; Readkey; writeln('2. val1=',val1, ' val=', val); until (val = val1); Readkey; writeln('3. val1=',val1, ' val=', val); xyz:=val; end; program test_local_vars_mp; var k:byte; begin for k:=0 to 255 do xyz(); repeat until keypressed; end. Am I doing something wrong? I haven't tried yet to analyze a65 or xex files. I am using Mad Pascal 1.6.4 with mads 2.1.0 build 8 (23 Dec 19). mp.exe test_local_vars_mp.pas mads.exe test_local_vars_mp.a65 -x -i:"c:\Mad-Pascal-1.6.4\base\" -o:test_local_vars_mp.xex -l:test_local_vars_mp.lst test_local_vars_mp.lst test_local_vars_mp.xex test_local_vars_mp.a65 test_local_vars_mp.pas
  4. This doesn't work: function xyz():integer; var i:integer=0; j:byte=0; begin ... end; According to documentation Mad Pascal works as FPC with -Delphi switch and above is not possible in Delphi. Is there any other solution besides: function xyz():integer; var i:integer; j:byte; begin i:=0; j:=0; ... end;
  5. There are also Action, CC65 and Mad Pascal libraries available: https://github.com/Ripjetski6502 https://unfinishedbitness.info/
  6. Or maybe Fields library https://sourceforge.net/projects/cc65extra/files/ui/
  7. Maybe SimpleMenu v1.1 from user contributions ftp://ftp.musoftware.de/pub/uz/cc65/contrib/
  8. Please check http://www.atarimania.com/documents/Hackerbook-for-your-Atari-Computer.pdf
  9. Hello! I am working on simple ASCII communication between Atari and PC. I am using SIO2PC cable and Bob Puff's RVerter driver. First attempts were done in basic. I am reading buffer byte by byte in the loop when I know that there is data inside. I would like to go a step further to read data when data actually arrives and save it to the safe place (e.g. data is read when certain character sequence is detected at the end of the massage, e.g /CR/LF). I don’t know if my thinking is OK, but I would like to know if RVerter driver or any other driver allows triggering user’s service rutine in which buffer is copied to the certain memory location or variable. Service routine could be called at: - certain character sequence at the end of a message or, - timer time out or, - after buffer is full, - etc. Gregor
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