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    Philadelphia, PA
  • Interests
    Atari 5200, NES, Lynx, Virtual Boy, SNES, Gamecube, Wii, Switch, anything Nintendo and most retro

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  1. just looking to help friend get all set up with the console of her dreams. she's very jealous of my colecovsion and I'm looking to buy or set up a sale for her of a console with the requisite power supply and cables. just the basic package. nothing fancy. lmk!
  2. kind of a dumb question probably, but why does Gorf fit so poorly into the cartridge slot for Atari 5200 compared to other non-atari produced games? things like blueprint and decathlon and other cartridges of third-party production fit just fine, but my copy of Gorf is very difficult to fit into my system. is this common? is there any specific reason anyone knows of why this specific game doesn't fit correctly? i can just barely wedge it into the system, but it makes it difficult to get it to work correctly much less even fit in there naturally
  3. wow I never played blue Lightning before, I thought I had but I don't think I did. I have to say, this game is incredibly boring. I'm laughing when I say that, but it's true. I'm going to try and put up a score that's respectable, but honestly I'm fighting boredom more than anything, this game is a little too slow to keep my attention, but I really appreciate the idea of the high score Club regardless
  4. I didnt actually check--i just installed the one without the "A1" designation. Wasnt sure if you all knew about this.
  5. question. I am gonna have to play this one from my retroHQ cart because i dont have the physical cart. I have two roms for Blue Lightning on file---one of them labeled "A1". Which is the right ROM to play?
  6. wow, this is some complex stuff. im stumped as to how to proceed, since im just a guy---not a modder.
  7. i appreciate the detailed reply. per your knowledge, what would be the best way forward to preserve or fix these consoles? its just so weird how i need to let the system "warm up" to get it to work.
  8. i'll try to put a calendar reminder!
  9. quick summary, I have two GameCubes of varying age. both of them need to "warm up" before they'll play. I looked on other forums and I spotted people on Reddit claiming that When a GameCube will not play a disc immediately upon startup, and then will play the disc after a few minutes, it's probably due to needing recapping service. I suppose my questions are two-----anyone know if this is true? and second question, anyone on this forum have any recommendations for anyone who does this kind of work? thanks!
  10. unless I'm missing something, that looks like there's been no activity here for a while. is this the end of the high score club?
  11. Looking to trade for something interesting, most likely for my Saturn collection, of hypothetically equal value. Manual is in good condition and the longbox too. I'd probably be able to get $30-40 on ebay quickly. Open to ideas of what anyone might want to trade! Otherwise i may sell it and just buy other items from my wishlist for saturn.
  12. @Memblers thanks for the idea! I may as well try cleaning it as you recommend, given that it isnt working correctly. I wonder who might repair a port like this?
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