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Mystery Man 2000

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Space Invader

Space Invader (2/9)



  1. Meinst Du mich? Ich heiße mit dem Nachnahmen David. Nee, "liveinabin" (= David Exton). So we know that the person doesn't speak German, was posting to the Member 1000 thread, goes to bed "in a couple of hours" after 22:00 and likes the smiley (and copies my idea ). Hm, I would say Lemmi, but he said he isn't it. Adam (Fretwobbler) Once again Thomas you have shown the level of your intellect. Well done I cant believe I had people going with Altavista translations Adam
  2. nice translation programm 10/10 for ren.dhark. I like babelfish
  3. Schätzen Sie, schätzen Sie, schätzen Sie, das alle ist, die, Sie. Zahlen Sie Aufmerksamkeit. DENKEN Sie Stop guessing and start thinking. a clue - I'll be going to bed in a couple of hours
  4. Hallo Jah Fish, habe ich es doch gewusst. Habe ich Dich. WRONG but a good guess
  5. Ich wundere mich, warum Sie Englisch soviel verwenden Haha
  6. Konnte aus Deutschland kommen. A pu être la France.
  7. Like a red herring, Godzilla comes from the deep
  8. I thought you would know better Ubersaurus, Lemmi is the long lost brother of StanJr, not the long lost brother of member 1000
  9. Stan The Original! Nice try Thomas, but WRONG.
  10. Could this be member number 1000 rearing up from the depths in a Godzilla like fashion Could it be the second coming??? Who knows?????
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