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  1. Does anyone know if there is a home port of the arcade Two Tigers, which I think was put out by Bally. I used to play the arcade game as a teenager and I really liked it and was fairly good at it. But I've never heard of any home port of the game on any console or computer. Does one exist? Even if it is a clone and not an official port? AFAIK, there has never been any home release of this game including modern(ish) arcade game collections. I believe it uses an 8-track for some of the sounds. AFAIK, MAME doesn't incorporate the 8-track sound track. It's a pretty good looking game for 1984 as well. It is the distinct look of Bally games of the time. I don't know why it never got officially ported. But maybe it got a clone or shareware version on one of the home computers.. A quick search of google and youtube doesn't show anything.
  2. While it certainly wouldn't be as big a bother in a real hardware situation, I can tell you how much I hate these things playing on a portable device with a virtual keyboard. Of course, the virtual keyboard covers up the part of the screen I need to see... OTOH, it certainly won't pass a couch compliance test to have to constantly get up to hit keys on the keyboard using real hardware. I was trying to explain that I was literally asking you and not posting some kind of rhetorical question. Though I can easily see why it might have been seen as something other than a literal question. I'm just not as familiar with the 8bit line. I have an 800 and an XEGS, but the collections aren't that big. These days I'm usually using emulation. I got my XEGS around the turn of the century. Then sometime later, maybe 02, I picked up the 800XL. Though I find them interesting, they don't get the kind of attention from me that the Atari consoles get. In general, I find probably the majority of the 8 bit computer diskette and cassette games to be terrible (particularly familiar with the 64 and Amigas). Granted, given the sheer numbers involved, it's still at a minimum, hundreds of games worth looking at and spending at least some time with. There was just a whole lot of crap on the various computers of the age. There was basically close to zero barrier to entry with these games and the huge payoff potential made them a juicy target for everyone's shovelware and crapware. While there is no shortage of crap on cartridges, I don't think the ratio is as bad. You started to really see this on PCs in the mid 90s and beyond, but I don't pay any attention to modern gaming, say, after y2k.
  3. Thanks, I'll check them out. I saw a video some time ago that said he was working on getting them (I think it was both, but I know for sure Defender) released as official Atari releases. Had he been able to do that, he probably wouldn't have changed them up.
  4. I mean games available as a cartridge ROM which you could load onto an SD cartridge which both the 5200 and 8bit line have. Sorry if I didn't explain that well. I would not be including games that can be run from a virtual disk image emulated in some way in modern hardware. Disk images are not as convenient as cartridge images. You still have to screw around with the keyboard. They often have trainers you have to step through. Often have a demo-scene type thing that runs before the game. I asked if you were sure because I wasn't sure how many carts were available for the 8bit series. But if it is 475 and most of them are games, I would assume the 5200 probably cannot keep up, though I am not sure the total numbers of 8bit games ported to 5200 cartridge format.
  5. Funny because the graphics is what I don't like about Dropzone. That big man makes it easier for the aliens to hit you I like Stargate a lot more than Defender. I played it a lot more in the arcade back in the day. Plus it had the 2600 port, which was excellent. Protector for the Vectrex is my favorite way to play "Defender." It's also my favorite way to play Space Invaders. You have to see this port of SI to believe it.
  6. You sure about that? I know there have been a lot of conversions from the 8bit line to the 5200. So if you have an SD cartridge, there are a lot of games to play. Of course, there are SD cartridges for the 8bit line too. I suppose this is a fair point for some games. Some games would not be very fun if forced to use a controller to play. OTOH, the 8bit line is stuck using the 1 button 2600 stick. Up to jump is just terrible. OTOH, the 5200 stick is not without its own major shortcomings. Plus you can use the paddle controller for some of the 8bit line games.
  7. I watched some videos about it and it looks great. Congratulations on getting it done and released. I'm downloading it and will try it on a real 2600 soon. Thanks.
  8. Both are pretty good games, overlooked and underrated. Pepper II is a lot of fun on the Colecovision. It would be great on the 2600.
  9. I know Centipede is different. Plus you have the analog controls. If you like the analog controls, then the 5200 is the machine to have. Plus, if you like cartridge and not disks, the 5200 would be the way to go. Since the 5200 doesn't have a keyboard, you won't get forced to use it. You get all the extra buttons as well.
  10. Congratulations on completing and releasing. Looks great. Looking forward to playing it.
  11. To say the XEGS made the 5200 obsolete is like saying the 90s VW Beetle made the early 70s Beetles obsolete. The original Beetle had not been sold in the US for many years at that point. The 5200 was abandoned and orphaned long before the XEGS came out. It was already obsolete. Hell, the 7800 made it obsolete. Really, I don't think it did anything to make the 5200 obsolete. It was a different and incompatible system. If you wanted to play your 5200 games, you needed a 5200. It was true then and it is still true today other than emulation.
  12. He also replied to my comment and said it most likely will. Which is awesome.
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