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About os9dude

  • Birthday 07/06/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tucson, Arizona - USA
  • Interests
    Vintage computing, Music: Drums, Guitar, Basss, Keyboards - Heavy Metal/Classic Rock/Hard Rock

os9dude's Achievements

Combat Commando

Combat Commando (1/9)



  1. My ports to the Tandy Color Computer 1/2 and 3. The 1/2 run in the PMODE 4 screen 256x192 black on white background, using the high speed POKE in there. The CoCo 3 runs in its highest 640x192 BASIC resolution screen, also with the high speed POKE plus a little banner added just for fun once the graph is finished. The TRS-80 Model 4 version I did more or less is the same as the CoCo 3. - - - - - - - - - - 10 ' CoCo 1/2 Archimedes Hat 20 ' 40 ' from the AtariAge Forum 50 ' 90 POKE 65495,0 100 SX=116:SY=44:SZ=51:CX=256:CY=192 110 DIM RR(CX) 120 FOR I=0 TO CX:RR(I)=CY:NEXT I 130 PMODE 4:PCLS 1:SCREEN 1,1:COLOR 0 140 CX=CX*.5:CY=CY*.46875:FX=SX/64:FZ=SZ/64 150 XF=4.71238905/SX 160 FOR ZI=64 TO -64 STEP -1 170 ZT=ZI*FX:ZS=ZT*ZT 180 XL=INT(SQR(SX*SX-ZS)+.5) 190 ZX=ZI*FZ+CX:ZY=CY+ZI*FZ 200 FOR XI=0 TO XL 210 XT=SQR(XI*XI+ZS)*XF 220 YY=(SIN(XT)+SIN(XT*3)*.4)*SY 230 X1=XI+ZX:Y1=ZY-YY 240 IF RR(X1)>Y1 THEN RR(X1)=Y1:PSET(X1,Y1) 250 X1=ZX-XI 260 IF RR(X1)>Y1 THEN RR(X1)=Y1:PSET(X1,Y1) 270 NEXT XI,ZI 280 SOUND 180,5 290 GOTO 290 - - - - - - - - - - 10 ' CoCo 3 Archimedes Hat 15 ' 640x192 HSCREEN Version 20 ' 30 ' from the AtariAge Forum 40 ' 90 POKE 65497,0:ON BRK GOTO 300 100 SX=256:SY=56:SZ=64:CX=640:CY=192 110 DIM RR(CX) 120 FOR I=0 TO CX:RR(I)=CY:NEXT I 125 RGB:PALETTE 0,0:PALETTE 1,18 130 HSCREEN 3:HCLS 0 140 CX=CX*.5:CY=CY*.46875:FX=SX/64:FZ=SZ/64 150 XF=4.71238905/SX 160 FOR ZI=64 TO -64 STEP -1 170 ZT=ZI*FX:ZS=ZT*ZT 180 XL=INT(SQR(SX*SX-ZS)+.5) 190 ZX=ZI*FZ+CX:ZY=CY+ZI*FZ 200 FOR XI=0 TO XL 210 XT=SQR(XI*XI+ZS)*XF 220 YY=(SIN(XT)+SIN(XT*3)*.4)*SY 230 X1=XI+ZX:Y1=ZY-YY 240 IF RR(X1)>Y1 THEN RR(X1)=Y1:HSET(X1,Y1) 250 X1=ZX-XI 260 IF RR(X1)>Y1 THEN RR(X1)=Y1:HSET(X1,Y1) 270 NEXT XI,ZI 280 SOUND 180,5 285 HPRINT(0,0),"El Sombrero de Arquimides" 290 GOTO 290 300 POKE 65496,0:RGB:END
  2. I guess this is as official as things can get: I have completed my moved from New York City to Tucson Arizona, career and family. It was a lengthy process as I moved early February this year but life things got in the way, there is a broken leg involved due to an accident but all things resolved my relocation is done. My 8 bit micros are finally setup and running now, two permanent desks: Tandy CoCo 1 and CoCo 3, and a wild-desk / workbench where now I have a TRS-80 Model 4 being retrofitted into a 4D category. Said workbench will also serve to setup my other 8 bits: Commodore (VIC-20, 64, 128 and Plus/4), Apple (IIc and IIe+), other CoCos, TI/99-4As, Ataris (400, 800, STfm), Sinclairs (ZX81, QL) and others. Have to say the computers are enjoying the warmer dryer weather - I am the one longing for NYC. I was raised in the Nogales border (Arizona and Sonora México) so the SouthWest is familiar territory. Went to the Big Apple on a job as Broadcast Engineer and there I earned my keep over 13 years, looking forward to something less hectic as a work schedule in the Old Pueblo, at least until my kid graduates from college. Wherever I go the 8 bits will follow
  3. It's all 1s and 0s to me, 8 bits at a time...

    1. NE146


      blips and bloops!

    2. CPUWIZ


      until someone turns off the power

  4. Thanks, indeed plural - somehow I have ended with three of these machines, the latest being the beige later days TI 99/4A that I had to piece together from a couple of faulty ones. Have managed to collect a few carts for them, but certainly a ROM multicart would be a very welcome addition :-)
  5. Flew into this thread from a post in Facebook's "TI 99ers" about the flash cart prototype testing. My TI-99/4As wait :-)
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