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  1. i think there is no BIOS on the SG1000 and there is one for the Colecovision. MSX has a different sound chip and a different Bios. Spectrum has not at all the same vdp , it works differently (main memory is used as screen buffer, colecovision vdp has its own specific memory) despite resolution and color constraint are similar to one of the colecovision graphic mode. But the spectrum has no hardware sprite.
  2. Generally i try to avoid situation where more than 4 sprites be in a row , but one little trick i use sometimes , is the case you have sprites that are compounded of 2 superposed sprites (to have 2 colors sprite) , i play on sprite priority of each layer. It means a sprite never disappear completely . when you have multiple colored sprites , you have to take care that you have always one of the layer of each colored sprites having the first priorities.
  3. i do not know that BASIC , did not have the time to test yet.... but i would expect that PRINT AT would have 3 parameters, like PRINT AT X,Y,"TEXT" . Did you not just forget to put the Y value in your statement?
  4. 😮 Even better than KnightMare!!! 😍😃
  5. @nanochess : Just an idea , but i guess you have already think about it , it would be great when your basic is done for coleco , that your compiler be able to generate binary for SG1000 and why not also MSX , Spectravideo SV318 , MTX ...
  6. I imagine it will have a kind of compatibility/similarity in the syntax with the intyBasic? That could easy some port from existing Intellivision game done in Basic.
  7. the Colecovision Module for the Creativision has been somewhat released. In fact the module exists for the VTech computer Laser 2001 which is no more less than a Creativision with a Keyboard and a little more Ram. Most of the Creativision Game are i think compatible with the Laser 2001.
  8. Unfortunately i have lost it when i sold my C64 in 1986 with all my disks to buy an Atari 520 STF. i would have love to find it again. The only thing i have found from my childhood with the C64 thanks to the internet is a drawing i did when i was 10 years old for a drawing competition on C64 for "on Floppy disk" magasine published in France named "Floopy 64". And i had won the 3rd Price!!! (it was a box of 10 floppy disks) Don't laugh , i were only 10 years old 😀 and it is done using the joystick and Paint Magic (The “magic” in Paint Magic « My Commodore 64) This is the picture.... http://www.atomicfe.com/archeogamers/upload/floppy.jpg
  9. Very nice Game! When i was 11 years old , i did a Pacman clone on my C64... there was only one ghost! But i was a real ghost he could cross the walls! 😀 But was my first "full" "real" game , before that it was just various experiment and few utility program. My Pacman was by far not as good than your Viboritas!😀
  10. Peut être que l'on s'y verra à nouveau à la RGA , j'y ferais peut être a nouveau un tour cette année si je peux.🙂
  11. I got the same screen in a room of exploration 4. BTW fun game , thanks Nico!
  12. i think Atari Max somewhat cleans the memory before starting a game. May be game expect a clean to have a clean memory before starting , and no code cleaning that memory being present in the game itself. It would mean than as the memory could be in a random state when you start the machine it could cause problem. But honestly i would be very surprised if there is no code in the game itself to clean thing at start. Mystery Man knows what he does.
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