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    So. Cal

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  1. These samples are fantastic! Thanks for making these available. M.
  2. Thanks MaPa! It finally compiles and the .obx is created. I used a switch parameter and I now have a .xex file. Now when I try to load this into Atari800Win I get this error: "A ROM load error prevented Atari800Win plus from booting. Check the ROM settings..." No matter what I do I keep getting this error. All of the file associations are checked on. Any ideas? Thanks again! M.
  3. Its not compiling. There is no .obx file being created. Working in my dos window... If I type: C:\>xasm\xasm.exe It shows xasm 3.0.1 with its command line options. If I type: C:\>xasm\Hello.asm It takes this file and opens into Notepad. No .obx or any other type of file is created. All of the file extensions are checked in Atari800Win emu. Here is the code that I'm using. I found it posted by another member in the forums. Is there something wrong with the code? ; HELLO WORLD EXAMPLE WITH ANTIC MODE 7 AND 2 (BASIC : GRAPHICS 2 AND 0) SDLSTL EQU $0230 ;SET DISPLAY LIST ADRESS SDMCTL EQU $022F ;DMA ENABLE/CONTROL COLOR0 EQU $02C4 COLOR1 EQU $02C5 COLOR2 EQU $02C6 COLOR3 EQU $02C7 COLOR4 EQU $02C8 ;BACKGROUND PMBASE EQU $D407 ;STARTING ADRESS PLAYER MISSILE GRAPHICS OURBAS EQU $600 DMACTL EQU $D400 GRACTL EQU $D01D SIZEP0 EQU $D008 ;SIZE OF P0/M0 0=SINGLE 1=DOUBLE 3=QUADRUPLE HPOSP0 EQU $D000 ;HORIZONTAL POSITION P0/M0 PCOLR0 EQU $02C0 ;COLOR P0/M0 VDSLSTL EQU $0200 ;LOW BYTE DISPLAY LIST INTERRUPT ROUTINE VDSLSTH EQU $0201 ;HIGH BYTE DISPLAY LIST INTERRUPT ROUTINE NMIEN EQU $D40E ;ENABLE NONMASKABLE INTERRUPT D7 SET=DLI D6 SET=VBI D7+D6=C0 CHBAS EQU $02F4 ;CHARACTER ADRESS BASE ORG $A000 ;***DMA CONTROL*** LDA #62 STA SDMCTL ;***SET THE CHARACTERSET BASE ADRESS*** LDA #$E0 STA CHBAS ;***STARTING ADRESS OF THE DISPLAY LIST IN RAM*** LDA #$00 STA SDLSTL LDA #$20 STA SDLSTL+1 ;***LOAD THE DISPLAY LIST IN RAM*** LDX #$00 LISTL LDA DLIST,X STA $2000,X INX CPX #33 BNE LISTL ;***SET HELLO WORLD CHARACTERS IN DISPLAY LIST AREA RAM*** LDX #$00 TITLE LDA TEXT,X STA $2100,X STA $2114,X INX CPX #11 BNE TITLE LOOP INC COLOR0 JMP LOOP DLIST DTA 112,112,112,64+7,$00,$21 DTA 64+2,$14,$21,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 DTA 65,$20,$94 TEXT DTA d'HELLO WORLD' Thanks. M.
  4. When I try to compile my file (Hello.asm) it opens the file into Notepad. I tried Xasm with no parameters and then tried the switch /o:Hello.atr which also opens the file into Notepad. No files are being created. In Notepad I change the extension to .atr then save the file, then I try opening it with Atari800Win to no avail. Any ideas? Thanks. M.
  5. Is there a help file for Xasm? I'm trying to figure out how to compile my code from the command line. Thanks. M.
  6. Opening Xasm results it flashing to the screen then disappearing. Can I open/run this without creating a batch file? Thanks. M.
  7. I tried this but windows can't find the .bin file. It appears that a .bin is not being created. I downloaded ConTEXT. I can't get this to work either. This is the error I get: .xsm <0> ERROR: Cannot open or create file '.xsm' xasm 3.0.1 Here's the code for my batch file that I'm using with ConTEXT: "C:\xasm\xasm.exe" %1.xsm /o:%1.xex /u if errorlevel=2 goto end %1.xex :end I'm still stuck. Any suggestions? Thanks. M.
  8. Well I'm still having some problems. I created a batch file. When I run the batch file from the command line it creates a .bin file (which is empty), it also opens Atari800Win emulator (which gives me a ROM load error). I still can't figure out how to get the code to compile (or is it)? My assembly code is saved as .asm file located in my xasm folder. My batch file code: @echo off start xasm %1.asm > %1.bin start %1.bin Am I going about this the wrong way?. I just want to learn to code/assemble/test. Any suggestions? Thanks. M.
  9. Is anyone using notepad++ to xasm? I can't get the code from notepad++ into xasm. Any suggestions on setting this up? Thanks. M.
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