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    Gaming, Programming, Singing, Staying up way too late and then getting up way too late.
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  1. Turned off UAC, still doesn't remember settings. Running a desktop PC with 2GB of ram. (built with my own two hands, </brag>) Using Microsoft Security Essentials.
  2. What does the <> operator do? To reproduce the crash, just open the Music Editor. Also, Windows 7 is getting all huffy about vbB and it never saves settings etc. I don't want to turn UAC all the way off, is there a way around this?
  3. Okay, last time. I promise. Hopefully. Maybe. Possibly. Well, I just installed Windows 7 (horray!) and now there are error messages popping up half of the time. A couple of things that I don't see why Batari is complaining about. if player1x !== player0x && player1y> 5 then player1y = player1y - 1 <-- This line is fine. if player1x > player0x && player1y = 5 then player1x = player1x - 1 <-- VbB complains here. if player1x < player0x && player1y = 5 then player1x = player1x + 1 Another problem which asks me to ignore or quit the program immediately. And here a message from DASM, I think. Does anyone have any idea what's going wrong? I really want to use this program and it seems just recently it's dying a horrible death on my PC. EDIT: Another error message that stops me from using the Music Editor as soon as I try to open it:
  4. Hrm. Probably that my PC is buggered up majorly. I hope to get a Mac soon (treason! treason!) and I saw people were requesting a Mac release, is this feasible/possible/going to happen? Could you pret-PC froze again-Could you post the source so that it could be compiled for Mac or something? What did you write this in, anyway?
  5. I think my config is correct. The message reads: Compile started at 18/02/2011 16:35:45 Compiling C:\vbB\projects\CosmicChaos\game.bas Nought after that. Emulator, compiler and alternative compiler are all there. Sometimes it doesn't lock up. Confused.
  6. Me again. I'm running vbB on an XP machine now, and the program freezes when I try to compile. It says 'compiling c:\batari\blah blah blah' but it doesn't get any further. On my Vista machine the compile takes all of half a second. What's going wrong? Thanks.
  7. Got a problem. Batari doesn't like ' if ballx<8 | ballx>155 then goto gamea' I'm guessing I've got the wrong or statement?
  8. Thanks alot. Yeah, I wasn't aware you could directly change the player0y variables - I thought they were like COLU variables. One more question - which pixel is considered the centre of the sprite?
  9. 1500 bytes of Pong and I can't even get that to work. Oh, boy. Okay, my problem is that not only does the enemy not move, I get an error message about ' if joy0fire then g=1'. (which starts/unpauses a game) There a couple of things which aren't causing errors but I think could be improved. For one, the paddles are both the same sprite (flipped for the second one) is it possible to address them both at the same time? Also, the collision is quite messy, but I don't know how to make an if statement do more than one code - how do you do this? Finally, the playfield is just two bars, so is there a way to cut down on that code? Thanks very much. PS. It's unrelated to this game, but I've been having little success doing smooth movement, like in Reactor or Defender. Is there a way to increase these variables little by little? rem Pong, by SuperNESFreak, 2-1-11 set romsize 2k playfield: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ ................................ XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX end player0: 000011 000011 000011 000011 000011 000011 000011 000011 end player1: 000011 000011 000011 000011 000011 000011 000011 000011 end ready a = 75 : rem playery b = 75 : rem opponenty c = 75 : rem ballx d = 75 : rem bally e = 255 : rem ballhspeed f = 255 : rem ballvspeed g = 0 : rem pause gamea player0x = 16 player1x = 140 player0y = a player1y = b ballx = c bally = d COLUBK = 0 COLUPF = 14 COLUP0 = 14 COLUP1 = 14 REFP1 = 8 scorecolor = 14 if joy0fire then g=1 if g = 0 then goto ready if switchreset then reboot gameb if joy0up then a=a-1 if joy0down then a=a+1 if a<16 then a=16 if a>80 then a=80 if b<d then b=b-1 if b>d then b=b+1 if b<1 then b=1 if b>88 then B=88 if collision(ball,playfield) then f=0-f if collision(ball,player0) then e=0-e if collision(ball,player1) then e=0-e if collision(ball,player0) then f=0-f if collision(ball,player1) then f=0-f if c<4 then score=score-1 if c>251 then score=score+1 if c<4 | c>251 then goto game drawscreen goto game
  10. I was wondering, since you can detect whether a game is being played in an Atari 7800, is it possible to include extra content, or just make the game look prettier, using the extra power of the 7800? Sort of like Super Game Boy packs did.
  11. Hmm, I know that the Atari can only access 4kb of data at a time on seperate banks, but I don't really know alot more about them. How will I have to allow for banks in my program? EDIT: Also, from looking on the store, there is no mention of size with the Atari 2600 cart that is on offer. I assume you were talking about prices at AtariAge when you mentioned 8k/16k?
  12. Okay. I'm away from home at the moment so I can't check this but I'll upload the code so I can get it from here later. If anyone would like to try it and see if I've made any mistakes that would be really great: rem Going Dotty, SuperNESFreak score = 0 a = 25 : rem playerx b = 25 : rem playery c = 0 : rem playerhspeed d = 0 : rem playervspeed e = 100 : rem enemyx f = 100 : rem enemyy g = 0 : rem enemyhspeed h = 0 : rem enemyvspeed i = 0 : rem animations main playfield: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X..............................X X..............................X X.............X..X.............X X.............XXXX.............X X..............................X X.............XXXX.............X X.............X..X.............X X..............................X X..............................X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX end if i = 0 then player0: %00011000 %00100100 %01011010 %10100101 %10100101 %01011010 %00100100 %00011000 end if i = 0 then player1: %10000001 %01011010 %00100100 %00011000 %00011000 %00100100 %01011010 %10000001 end if i = 4 then player0: %00000000 %00011000 %00100100 %01011010 %01011010 %00100100 %00011000 %00000000 end if i = 4 then player1: %00000000 %10000001 %01100110 %00011000 %00011000 %01100110 %10000001 %00000000 end COLUBK = 0 COLUPF = 2 COLUP0 = 138 COLUP1 = 68 scorecolor = 14 a=a+c b=b+d e=e+g f=f+h i=i+1 player0x = a player0y = b player1x = e player1y = f if i=8 then i=0 if joy0up then c=c-2 if joy0down then c=c+2 if joy0left then d=d-2 if joy0right then d=d+2 if c>127 && c<251 then c = 251 if c>3 && c<127 then c = 4 if d>127 && d<251 then d = 251 if d>3 && d<127 then d = 4 rem *** the following is true if d is positive or negative (which is also >0) rem if d>0 && !joy0down then d=d-1 rem *** the fixed version... if d>0 && d<127 && !joy0down then d=d-1 if d>127 && !joy0up then d=d+1 rem *** same fix for c... rem if c>0 && !joy0right then c=c-1 if c>0 && c<127 && !joy0right then c=c-1 if c>127 && !joy0left then c=c+1 if a<e then g=g-2 if a>e then g=g+2 if b<f then h=h-2 if b>f then h=h+2 if g>127 && g<251 then g = 251 if g>3 && g<127 then g = 4 if h>127 && h<251 then h = 251 if h>3 && h<127 then h = 4 if collision(playfield,player0) then a=j:b=k:c=0-c:d=0-d if collision(playfield,player1) then e=l:f=m:g=0-g:h=0-h j = a : rem oldplayerx k = b : rem oldplayery l = e : rem oldenemyx m = f : rem oldenemyy drawscreen goto main By the way, how does the code know when checking the animation variable when to end the if? I don't think at the moment the code will make the enemy sprite animate. Fixed.
  13. Hey, This is REALLY good. Hopefully I'll be able to implement it in my 'Going Dotty' game (PS. Thanks a lot for all the help with that!) I saw that the compiled BIN is 16kb, which seems kinda a lot for a titlescreen, whereas my game is only 2-3kb so far. Is there a lite version of this/how far can it be squeezed down? Also, why does the Robotron logo flicker? Just wondering. Looking awesome. Keep up the great work; you get awesome sauce.
  14. Okay: this is my code for slowing down the dot. It works when going right or down, but not when going left or up, so I've got something wrong with the negatives again. This is the code: if joy0up then c=c-2 if joy0down then c=c+2 if joy0left then d=d-2 if joy0right then d=d+2 if c>127 && c<251 then c = 251 if c>3 && c<127 then c = 4 if d>127 && d<251 then d = 251 if d>3 && d<127 then d = 4 if d>0 && !joy0down then d=d-1 if d>127 && !joy0up then d=d+1 if c>0 && !joy0right then c=c-1 if c>127 && !joy0left then c=c+1
  15. Awesome. Is this two's compliments always like this, (ie. I don't have to tell the variable to be two's compliments?) For the speed things, I put in this code: if joy0up then c=c-1 if joy0down then c=c+1 if joy0left then d=d-1 if joy0right then d=d+1 if c>252 then c = 252 if c>3 then c = 3 if d>252 then d = 252 if d>3 then d = 3 No dice. Am I being repeatedly stupid here, am I just a complete newb, or both?
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