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  1. Lol no I'm not hoarding huge scores, I guess I'm trying to get to my previous pb
  2. I know, i'm finding I'm a bit busy but I have had a few practice runs
  3. The hit box doesn't seem consistent to me either. Not sure if that's on purpose, a bug, or a result of the finicky screen
  4. It does seem to highlight controller issues this game. Great scores though guys, well done
  5. Well that's it guys, some amazing scores here, best recorded on the internet, and really great to see so many people joining in. Good luck with Scramble everyone
  6. Round 3 - April 2024 - Scramble Status: This is the current round being played in the Vectrex High Score Club. Join in and submit your scores! Current scores & ranking: 1st playvectrex 99,450 2nd Madwindoman 91,720 3rd cheeko 87,300 4th Carey85 70,750 5th Lord Innit 65,330 6th hcmffm 58,910 7th VF 2084/Vorkosigan 55,880 8th Mickey50 37,370 9th Darrin9999 37,120 Welcome! Scramble! Often credited as the first recognisable shmup (although from long before that word needed to exist) and the Vectrex got a solid port. The game is very tough, but also very short so which makes it easy to learn. Availability As this was an official release, Scramble is freely available to download from many places, it's included in all multicarts, and the original release sold well so there are plenty of original cartrigdes out there too. Scramble is of course available on Dr Snuggles emulator too: https://drsnuggles.github.io/jsvecx?rom=Commercial/Scramble_1982 Manual http://vectrex.de/_static/2017/Scramble_Manual.pdf Settings Game mode 1 (default)
  7. @Madwindoman @scalpel @Mikey50 @MattPilz still some time to get a score in for Galaxy Wars SL, but not long until we move to Aprils game Scramble which I'm sure everyone is able to play
  8. Oh.. Well that's good to know, I hope Packrat does come back, they have loads of games I would like! Loving all the homebrew suggestions, as a new owner it's hard to know where to start and most of the toutube round ups concentrate on the official games
  9. As promised, some sort of schedule that we can talk about I've picked out some of the homebrews suggested here for the end of the year, as there is least myself that will need to order those and I hear the lead times can be long. I've also suggested Berzerk, although it comes with complications of which versions we should play
  10. This is the current provisional list for the games that will be played. As you can see there are still some gaps while we get organised and get a feel for which games people have access to. Please bring any suggestions to the discussion thread Feb - Minestorm Mar - Galaxy Wars SL Apr - Scramble May - June - July - Vector Pilot - http://www.kristofsvectrexgames.be/vectorpilot.htm Aug - Berzerk Sep - Space Frenzy - https://www.packratvg.com/vsfrenzy.html Oct - Vectrexagon - https://www.packratvg.com/vvgon.html Nov - Reserved to coincide with this years Vector Wars
  11. Absolutely, this could have been better planned by us and will be in the future, especially for newer games.
  12. Flipping heck, well done! Was just trying a few different approaches myself, so I'll take a look
  13. I've seen a couple of Scramble videos, seems like a death in the fireball section is a run killer. It's a great shmup, hard but short and learnable.
  14. It's a tough thing to pick, as we don't want ro race through the best official games too quickly, nor force people into buying homebrews. I do love Scramble, I'm intrigued how many loops can be completed before it gets inhumany fast. I've a feeling @playvectrex will show us how many that is
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