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About nopaybob

  • Birthday 12/31/1970

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  • Currently Playing
    Lost Planet Colonies
  • Playing Next
    Asteroids deluxe

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Moonsweeper (5/9)



  1. When is there going to be an official firmware update?
  2. WTB 7800 Mario bros
  3. I'm interested in the beta firmware for testing.
  4. I have a Zaxxon, compatibility list says pass, works on my original hardware. Contacts are clean and like new, get a black screen on 2600+ no matter what I do.
  5. lol yeah, if compatible how many thousands of controllers could you sell though?
  6. 2600+ atari 5200 cartridge adapter with pack in controllers!
  7. Why am I holding out? I should have canceled my atari.com preorder order weeks ago
  8. You're welcome for the preorder, Thanks for Fkn! me out of the launch.
  9. I don't have any games added to my gsp yet, Why can't I get asteroids deluxe or centipede to work with the included controllers.
  10. I did my preorder Sept 1st for the 2600+, but I do not remember if the expected ship date was Nov or Dec As for the other system, It wasn't a good idea to preorder the GSP direct from myarcade. I canceled my order last week since it was past the ship date and hadn't shipped yet. I really hope the 2600+ direct from atari.com doesn't end up the same way as the GSP
  11. Get it open box for 60 https://www.ebay.com/itm/196080844091
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