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  1. I'm trying to find an old music + graphics demo for the Atari 8 bit that I had 15-20 years ago. I think it might have come on a magazine disk, maybe page6 or Atari User or something, but I'm not sure. As best as I can remember there were four horizontal bars of different colours that pulsed with the music that was playing. One bar for each channel. I think there was a star field effect in a different part of the screen, and maybe a text scroller but I'm not really sure about that. Also I think you could press keys 1-4 to turn off or on that sound channel, but again I'm not 100%. I know this is a pretty vague description, that may fit lots of demos, but it's all I can remember. Does anyone have a clue what I'm talking about, and where I can get it again?
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