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About JohnnyRockets

  • Birthday 08/21/1967

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    Tecumseh, Michigan

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Dragonstomper (6/9)



  1. Hi all, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Heretic! For me it is absolutely tied with Doom 2 in AWESOMENESS!!! What is the best way to play in Hi-Res on a PC would you say? JR
  2. Thanks Stephen! Now looking at this snippet: --------------------------- processor 6502 seg code org $F000 ; defines the code origin at $F000 Start: sei ; disables the interrupts cld ; disable the BCD decimal map mode ldx #$FF ; loads the X register with #$FF txs ; transfers X register to S(tack) register ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Clear the Zero Page region ($00 to $FF) ; Meaning the entire TIA register space and also RAM ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lda #0 ; A = 0 ldx #$FF ; X = #$FF sta $FF ; make sure $FF is zeroed before the loop starts MemLoop: dex ; x-- sta $0,X ; store zero in A, at address $0 + X bne MemLoop ; loop until X==0 (z-flag set) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;Fill ROM size to exactly 4KB ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; org $FFFC .word Start ; reset vector at $FFFC (where program starts) .word Start ; interrupt vector at $FFFE (unused in VCS) --------------------------- Question: What values are now stored in $FFFC and $FFFE? And why? My guess is Zeros? Thanks! JR
  3. Hi all, In the following "newbie" code snippet: -------------- processor 6502 seg code org $F000 ; defines the code origin at $F000 Start: sei ; disables the interrupts cld ; disable the BCD decimal map mode ldx #$FF ; loads the X register with #$FF txs ; transfers X register to S(tack) register -------------------- Could we have just loaded #$FF directly into the Stack register, thus saving a step/instruction? Thank you, JR
  4. $132.48 delivered Not even sure what retail even was... I just went with it cause I wanted one. Just curious, what is retail? JR
  5. Hi all, I kind of did a "spur of the moment thing" last Sunday night... I wanted to see if any "64 Maxis" were available anywhere in the US. I found one on the "iWoot.us" website, a website that sells a bunch of crazy stuff that appears to be all over the map as far as topics go. They had only one 64 available, so I bought it thinking they'd cancel the order once they realized that they didn't really have any in stock. But lo and behold, it shipped and arrived today, only 3 days later (from the UK - it is the UK version)! Honestly, it blew my mind! It still kind of does! LOL! JR
  6. Hi all, Can you all tell me what the main differences are between the UK version and the US version? Thank you! JR
  7. Very interesting, I did not know that! AZERTY (makes sense!) Thanks, I'll check them out for sure. JR
  8. 100% agree! We sound about the same age, and those were awesome times to play with computers and now there are SO many great emulators out there you get to "try before you buy" so many of them! On that note I shot you a PM with a specific Coco2 question. Thx! JR
  9. Hi Michael, I had the PC-1 growing up and thought it was pretty cool! Never did too much with it, but it still has a special place in my "retro" heart. Does this site provide any insight? https://www.floodgap.com/retrobits/tpm/138.html JR
  10. Hi Michael, I appreciate your thoughts greatly! The Coco 2 is very nice as well. I'm trying to grab a childhood "wished I had it" moment here and I specifically remember going to my local Radio Shack and "ooohing" and "ahhhing" over the Tandy Color Computers. I ended up with the VIC-20, cause that was what I could afford with my Christmas money when I was 13 years old. Now I can afford it ALL! But I want to limit the technology, so the Coco 2 I will definitely look very close at, and I am intrigued with Assembly Language and do enjoy playing with that as well. So we'll see how it all pans out.... 100% agree with the SDC controller idea, that is key if I make the jump from emulator to physical... And, oh man yes, the color computer archive is a GREAT site! Thanks again Michael, and just curious if you had the Coco growing up or are just getting into it now? JR
  11. Hi tsteege, That Alice seems kind of cool, but is it only French or English too?
  12. Hi all, Just curious what you "find" in those newspapers? Atari ads and articles? Cool! JR
  13. Hi all, I have one other addition. The Tandy MC-10 or the Alice computer (RED is cool!). I've been playing with the MC-10 a bit lately and it's pretty fun (Emulation). I have owned one in the past, but it went "away" when we moved houses. I'm thinking about buying another one. JR
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