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  1. Yeah, that's most likely the best option here. It seems like it would be too difficult to attempt to do any other way. Thanks guys!
  2. Exactly why I bought an Intellivision system, and only plan to get the games I played on it as a kid. My favorite game was Thunder Castle, so it was my first (and currently only) purchase so far. I don't really have much interest in collecting for the system, so I won't be purchasing games that I didn't play or don't remember, nor do I have any interest in homebrew games for it. I only purchased the hardware to relive the full experience, not "new and exciting" experiences, and not as a collector or hardcore enthusiast. I think I'm probably in the vast majority here as well, where the ultra hardcore "gotta have everything" crowd is a lot more niche. Not saying the market isn't there, but it's small, and raising $100k for 3 titles that run on the PC and have little more than updated graphics is a long shot.
  3. Thanks DZ and tacrec. There isn't a way to dump audio data out of jzIntv or anything like that? The issue I keep having is sound fx coming in during playthroughs while attempting to record music, and then I have to record very long segments and try to edit them together to create a clean copy, which takes a LOT of work. I've seen stuff for NES for example, where you play the game with a debugger running and it grabs the audio and lets you dump it into formats like .nsf, .wav or even MIDI.
  4. Is it possible to get music and sound samples from the ROMs (aside from recording emulator footage with FRAPS and taking the audio from video)? I'm trying to remake some games in HTML5, and have been able to easily extract the graphics, but getting the sounds is a whole other issue. Anyone know if this is possible?
  5. Thanks dZ! I'll have a look and let you know what I figure out. I know nothing about assembly though, I'm just a lowly JavaScript programmer lol, so it might take me a bit.
  6. The disassembly won't recompile into a usable ROM. It just crashes on startup in jzintv for me, and Bliss won't even open it. What I'm looking for is a compilable disassembly of it.
  7. Do you have the disassembled source for this? If so, would be awesome if you could post it. I can't get the game to disassemble properly in dis1600 or dasm1600. How did you manage to get it disassembled by the way?
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