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  1. I agree, lower system requirements are preferable. I have a strange issue though that I built this version for .Net 4.0 without errors, but in my tests it only works properly if 4.5 is installed. Madi has been in touch with some other suggestions, such as allowing custom fonts (apparently Polish users among others have their own character sets, as few people actually use the built in international character set, and they have even written patches that install their own font in the previous version of AtasciiView).
  2. In the end it was easier to start again rather than resurrect old code, so there is now an AtasciiView .Net version which should solve the control character display issue, although the system requirements are higher. Tested on Windows 7 and 10.
  3. Hi, this is a known bug with the Windows version which was written over ten years ago. Thanks for this, it is a great explanation of the issue. I think at the time I did not know how to map the characters below ascii code 32 to the correct truetype character, so deliberately had them fall back to the bitmap version. I will certainly try to fix it if I ever find the source code and set up a development environment again.
  4. In case it is of interest to anyone reading this thread, there is now an OS X version of AtasciiView Currently Intel Mac only, and only tested on Mavericks. Mark Simonson's fonts must be downloaded separately from here.
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