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About dogdark

  • Birthday 03/28/1975

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  1. Hello guys, first we must understand that not all the xex files that are being used can be converted to cassettes, these have a prior process, since they must be adapted, so that the Atari understands that the loading is done through cassette and not a floppy drive, any help just ask for it and I will gladly contribute to making the modifications to xex files to make them suitable for tape decks. A hug.
  2. Solo por participar y entretenerme, 280375 Just for participating and entertaining me
  3. I would like to report a bugs that the eelecrub game has, when you finish it and start the game again on the third screen, bruce passes by and all lives are lost, also when switching the game to a back with mypicodos the game does not work. PD: ntsc version is needed to play it
  4. Hello, I'm with versión 3.6 donwloaded from DIS6502 download | SourceForge.net it does not work to retrieve the modified listing in wrk again.
  5. hello.. I ran into the following problem, I wanted to change the names to label, which if it does, but when saving the project and then reloading it, these values no longer exist and the dis takes the default values. example L2000 I change it for kem when reloading, L2000 appears again
  6. The only difference between Sitre and Ultra, is that it loads at a higher speed, Sitre has a máximum load of approximately 800 baud in terms of Ultra, it exceeds this load and therefore takes less time since it works at 900, 1150, in cassette machines, tested at xc12 and xc11. As for why they do not load all xex files when you record on tape, it is not a problem for copiers, it is a xex file problem, as I tell all my friends who ask me why they do not load some games? the xex file must be prepared previously, so that the atari can recognize if the data is being loaded by a floppy drive or cassette, that's why. I leave you a folder with xex files that are already ready to be transferred to tape, compatible with sitre and ultra. https://github.com/a8dogdark/coleccion_cas/tree/master/XEX
  7. I will ask my friend AscrNet to help me create a table so that they can contribute, since I am just getting acquainted with github.
  8. As this occurred to me, it was something so complicated to work on this project, a combination of codes, which resulted in a single idea. The ultra name, an idea came long ago, a cas creating files to donate to the atariana community. The main idea was WillySoft, who came up to ask me a CAS file with the Draconus, which was in its version for STAC cassette system. When Wily made the conversion of this file at a higher speed, I was plop, and I thought, I could create something new to what is already known. Then as I had the idea disassemble and NHP 3.6 was finished, I thought about creating my own conversion system xex to cas. It is there that Uncle asked permission Patch Black, donating the source code that had already desamblado to realize my project itself. This project took me many hours and days of work believe it or not, it was almost a full year to complete. FUNCTIONALITY Ultra, is structured in an efficient way to read both as floppy cassette in loading data in its memory. Is a combination of several converters in one, with the difference of others, which has 5 speed levels. You have the ability to recognize the amount of memory banks expanded having a computer atari 8 bits. You can find the 4 banks of a 130XE as 13 expansion Claus Buchholz. Compatible with cassette players 1010, XC11, XC12 and Injektor. It has a counter, error recovery, (rewind 3 laps), if a read error byte. It works in MyDOS 4.53 operating system, which has the power to read SD and DD disk density. STRUCTURE Ultra provides several features inside that we will describe: KEM2.ASM -> copy the ROM to RAM to change speeds. MEM256K.ASM -> function that allows you to recognize the number of banks available and store them in a variable, also stores the number of bytes. HEXASCII.ASM -> This feature is important because it converts bytes in numbers and displayed in atascii code. (Modified XT5). LOADER -> Who in the first phase of desamble helped me Vitoco and final improvements WillySoft realize it. encrypting the data was removed, which WillySoft the advice was not necessary for today, pirating anti formerly the others today. EXECUTION The ultra as mentioned above has 5 recording levels that we describe. NHP -> It is more common and slower, as recorded in its entirety to the old 600 baud. 8NHP -> This is the second level is a recommended speed for faster reading. 800 baud recording and continuous monitoring. STAC -> This system is well known by all and the fastest time, I am currently at 900 baud, to leave constant and with few errors in loading. ULTRA This is the new system of recording layers and read a file at 1150 baud, tried and tested in a casetera XC11, producing 5% of errors on a tape of good quality. The recording occurs at the first 4 blocks in 800 baud block loader makes 900 baud and the remaining does 1150 baud. The possibility of charging is tremendous, and as time saving is enormous unlike a conventional NHP file. The ultra is the highest speed supported by a cassette, in a reading from the tape, but this is not here no more. SUPER ULTRA As its name, super ultra, this system is superior to ultra but not supported by the load cassette players dese tape. But that does not stop being something bad, because testings were performed with several people and through a cassette adapter works. Cas is advisable to create an image of a game and convert audio wav file to be uploaded to the atari. Is the difference of its ultra predecessor, the load is performed at 1400 baud. as the load is actually the first 4 blocks are loaded at 800 baud, loader 900 baud and 1400 baud remaining. FUNCTIONING But they all ask, How does it work this thing? ,,, It's very simple. Press image to get the file. In Title 01 The first thing to do is enter the system default brings NHP, if you appreciate the image system says NHP. If you want to make the change of speed must precede an asterisk * , the function to modify. YOU DID NOT UNDERSTAND? In the title field you must place the following: * NHP NHP to record 600 BAUD * 8NHP to record NHP 800 BAUD * STAC STAC to record 900 BAUD * ULTRA ULTRA to record in 1150 BAUD * SUPUL to record SUPER ULTRA 1400 baud. After entering the preferred system, it is amended SYSTEM by which you chose and the cursor will be relocated again in Title 01. FILE UPLOAD As mentioned above, the ULTRA, has the power to upload files both diskette and cassette, but the drive unit can only use one. Has a default configuration that allows only read from drive D1. For loading from disk, you just have to place the name of the file, if it is wrong you the directory where you show the files stored on the drive will appear. If you want to make loading from a cassette, you must enter the following SOURCE ? . For the single directory enough press RETURN until it appears. visuality The ultra has a very pleasant and uncomplicated to use graphical display, showing the PORTB in numbers to indicate the bank which is being used when loading the game memory. Now is when the fun is recording data this shows the bytes that are recorded on tape, something occurred to me, to validate bytes if recorded or not, leave it looked good. And with this you can start creating your own audios to upload from your atari and play piecework, burn up the screen. I hope you like it has been this article and to deliver my material and knowledge at your disposal. And as always I thanked my staff that without them could not have done this project. TIO BLACK PATCH - WILLYSOFT - Vitoco CODE GITHUB conversor-ultra.zip ULTRA VERSION 2.4 CONVERTER [2020] Having released version 1 of the converter, and thanks to users who reported some bugs, repairs were made to the ultra. In this new version, they were repaired some bugs bytes that performed the action xex transfer of files to wav format. IMPROVEMENTS WillySoft, made changes to Annex code having the converter as an example: File attachments, which are part of the code were modified and improved for receiving the xex files. Now to change the loader and pages, it is not necessary to make a conversion to bytes, just enough to modify and then disassemble. receipt of the PORTB is corrected, if this is active with basic, disables, automatically. the last byte of the load block is corrected when it is 1, so that this record only missing bytes, bug repaired. This does not mean, that despite the changes in this version, the original has been changed, the structure remains intact. IMPROVING HIGHLIGHTED WillySoft, .PROC create a function that generates change quickly in the system option. Previously, one had to choose the option of predating recorded an asterisk (*), preceded by the operation we wanted to record. Now as the operation more dynamically and quickly, just press the option key and this system will be changed automatically to taste. Source codes and the converter I leave loaded into a folder on github so they can download at ease. This will allow them to study the source code and its complete structure. IMPORTANT NOTE "Not all files can be converted XEX A CASETTE always have to work them FOR THE ATARI reconnoitre reading is CASSETTE AND NO floppy drive."
  9. The official turbo software documents can be found in an article that I created on the next page. https://dogdarka8.blogspot.com/2018/06/copiador-turbo-software.html. The work took almost 4 years to finish it to make it available to all users on the web thanks to the gentile of Wilheim codigos_finales.atr copiador_turbo_software.atr Turbo_Software_mas_codigos.atr turbo_software_stac.atr
  10. I found an error in xex ntsc, when one plays and presses select, the pause is activated, when you return to the game by pressing start it loops.
  11. muchas gracias por el código, y pido las disculpas por haber posteado en un lugar que no correspondía, me fijare para mas adelante, revisare la rutina para expandirla a 3 bytes. yo creo que me servirá de mucho. traducción. thank you very much for the code, and I apologize for having posted in a place that did not correspond, I will look for later, I will review the routine to expand it to 3 bytes. I think it will help me a lot.
  12. Estoy con el siguiente problema, necesito convertir el hexadecimal $44000 a decimal. por ende no puedo utilizar el floating point por que este solo trabaja hasta 2 bytes y un máximo de 65335, trate de todos los medios, incluso sumando de un byte a uno y comparando hasta llegar a la igualdad, pero el proceso es demasiado lento, casi 1 minuto. He revisado revistas manuales y ninguno da señal de algún código que pueda ayudar a realizar este proceso. traduccion I am with the following problem, I need to convert the hexadecimal $ 44000 to decimal. so I can not use the floating point because it only works up to 2 bytes and a maximum of 65335, try all media, even adding one byte to one and comparing until you reach equality, but the process is too slow , almost 1 minute. I have reviewed manual journals and none gives a signal of any code that can help to carry out this process. *=$2000 M=17 MEMORY .BYTE $00,$00,$00,$9B DISPONIBLE .BYTE $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$9B CALCULO .BYTE $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$9B SUMAMOSMEMORIA LDX M SUMAMOSMEMORIA? CLC LDA MEMORY+2 ADC #$00 STA MEMORY+2 LDA MEMORY+1 ADC #$40 STA MEMORY+1 LDA MEMORY ADC #0 STA MEMORY SUMAMOSMEMORIA?? CPX #0 BEQ FINSUMAMOSMEMORIA DEX JMP SUMAMOSMEMORIA? FINSUMAMOSMEMORIA RTS INICIO LDA #0 STA 710 LOOP JMP LOOP *=$02E0 .WORD INICIO como se puede apreciar en el código tengo la variable M con un valor de 16 que realiza el bucle de SUMAMOSMEMORIA sumando de a $4000 bytes que equivale a 16384 y este resultado queda en MEMORY( $04 $40 $00) y eso quedo dejarlo como disponible ( $02,$07,$08,$05,$02,$08 ). Alguna idea de como realizar la conversión. traducción As you can see in the code I have the variable M with a value of 16 that makes the SUMAMOSMEMORIA loop adding up to $ 4000 bytes that is equivalent to 16384 and this result is in MEMORY ($ 04 $ 40 $ 00) and that is left as available ($ 02,$07,$08,$05,$02,$08). Some idea of ​​how to perform the conversion.
  13. Copier source codes, originals not modified Corrector de errores Grabación injektor limpio Grabación Injektor Injektor Turbo soft 1(Limpio) Turbo soft 1 Turbo Soft 2
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