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Chopper Commander

Chopper Commander (4/9)



  1. I really like the superiority complex some gamers have with the whole “You aren’t a real gamer!” shtick. Get bent, dude. ??
  2. So, I’ve been busy at work and haven’t paid attention to this tire fire, but Atari wants to open hotels now? Seriously? I’m getting Nickelodeon hotel in Orlando vibes here. This will fail, and it will fail miserably.
  3. If I CAPITALIZE every third WORD it makes WHAT I’m saying MORE important. Everyone should CAPITALIZE every third WORD so people KNOW you mean BUSINESS!
  4. That super shiny case isn’t cheap looking at all and won’t get scratched to hell in no time. Good job!
  5. I dont get the hype for the Atari VCS. Yeah its a new item by Atari with a bunch of games and fake add ons. I got my Atari 2600 right here, it takes real cartridges. So why bother with the VCS when there is all in one carts and emulators?
  6. “Atari continues to grow in 2019 and beyond.” Thanks to their flagship product, a hat with speakers on it!
  7. Would you have a problem with more than one update before December?
  8. I’m excited for this next update. Can’t wait to find out how long it’s delayed again and how little progress they’ve made.
  9. “I prefer to put my actual money into internet money because I’m an idiot.”
  10. Can’t play N64 games on something that doesn’t exist.
  11. Fixed Atari’s problem. Who wouldn’t trust Mayor McCheese?
  12. I can’t believe they haven’t posted an update on how great it was holding Woz hostage on stage and making him look at their design models.
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