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  • Custom Status
    Barb's Revenge Hack & OUTATIME Hack
  • Gender
  • Location
    Portland OR
  • Interests
    Music producer, VR developer, Atari gamer.
  • Currently Playing
    Joust, The stacks, Othello, Galagon, Aardvark
  • Playing Next
    Wizards of Wor, Space Rocks. Draconian

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Chopper Commander

Chopper Commander (4/9)



  1. OH MAN! I missed the post-pizza pic! It was great to meet you! Let me know next time you're in Portland and we will grab a bite someplace!
  2. Is it too late to get on the badge wagon? Sorry, you know I live in the Discord server @Albert
  3. I'll be there, and I will personally challenge anyone who joins us to a game of Joust.
  4. Did no one actually reply to this? Because my encore just did the exact same thing and I'm looking for a solution too.
  5. I mean, I wrote the question in english and I just assumed it would be implied that I was an english speaker. So yeah, english is going to be a requirement here.
  6. Title pretty much says it. Were there any text based adventure games made for the 8-bit line that was distributed on cartridge? Everything I seem to find is on disk.
  7. I just found a Letter Perfect 800 cart and when I boot it, it gives the Select (EADQ) prompt. I have no idea what to do to make it work though. I can get it to the menu if I press reset on me XEGS but from there, nothing responds other than the i key. Which allows input but the characters don't coordinate with the keys. Any ideas... also, HELLO from the year 2020, things are quiet different than we expected in 2014!
  8. Soooo I just came across this cartridge. Not sure how to get the data off, but if someone could walk me through it? Is it hard to come by?
  9. It's not on the store yet... it should be added really soon. SURPRISE!!!!! lol
  10. So far... CIBS: N.E.R.D.S. Chetiry Space Cactus Canyon HALO 2600 Aardvark Wizard Of Wor Arcade Galagon Mappy Space Rocks Draconian Medieval Mayhem Pac-Man 4K Spies in the Night Juno First Sing Carts: Synth Cart
  11. I really don't know why... but it's so simple that I really love it. I think it's great.
  12. What's the status of this? It's so freaking good! I hope it gets finished and a cart one day!
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