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  • Gender
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    Chicago, IL
  • Interests
    Mostly old school games. 2600, 5200, 7800, C64, Atari 8-bit computers, Colecovision, NES, Genesis, Gameboy, NES, Retron 5, Emulators, PS2, Wii, Various incarnations of Rockband, and guitar hero. DDR. I also love fighting games.
  • Currently Playing
    Mostly Tetris and Zelda at the moment.

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  1. mykgerard

    My 5200 games

    Updated 2023 list: Ballblazer Beamrider Berzerk Blue Print Centipede Countermeasure Defender Dig ?Dug Galaxian Gyruss Kangaroo Keystone Kapers Missile Command Moon Patrol Ms Pacman Pac-Man x2 Pengo Pole Position Q*Bert Qix Real Sports Baseball Real Sports Tennis River Raid Robotron 2084 Space Dungeon Space Invaders Space Shuttle Star Raiders Star Wars Super Breakout Vanguard Wizard of Wor
  2. Updated 2023 list: Ace of Aces Asteroids Ballblazer Baseball Centepede Choplifter Crack'ed Crossbow Dig Dug Donkey Kong Junior Double Dragon Food fight Galaga Hat Trick Joust Kung Fu Master Ms Pac-Man One-on-One Pole Position II Realsports Baseball Robotron 2084 Tomcat Tower Toppler Xevious
  3. I have to update that I purchased the 2/3 size Arcade1up machine of Defender (with 11 other games). It almost hit the spot. For now I'm going to replace it's control panel with one that more authentically represents the arcade and stick a raspberri pi in it so it is closer to the actual arcade machine in how it works.
  4. I forgot about these blogs existing In anticipation of the 2600+ I've updated my updated 2600 list: I just need 2 to finish the Activision set! 3-D Tic Tac Toe Adventures of Tron Air Sea Battle Airlock Alien Amidar Arcade Golf Armor Ambush Asteroids Astroblast Atlantis X2 Bank Heist Barnstormning Basic Math Basketball Battlezone Beany Bopper Bermuda Triangle Berzerk Big Bird's Egg Catch Blackjack Blueprint Bowling Boxing Brain Games Breakaway IV breakout Bridge Buck Rogers bugs California Games Canyon Bomber Carnival Casino Centipede championship soccer Checkers Chopper Command Circus Atari x2 Circus Convoy Coconuts Combat Commando Commando Raid Cookie Monster Munch Cosmic Ark Crackpots Crossbow Cruise Missile Crypts of Chaos Crystal Castles Dare Driver (Sky Diver) Dark Cavern Dark Chambers Deadly Duck Decathlon Defender Defender II Demon Attack Demons to Diamonds Dig Dug dodge 'em Dolphin Donkey Kong Double Dragon Dragon Fire Dragster E.T Enduro Fantastic Voyage Fast Eddie Fast Food Fathom Final Approach Fire Fighter Firefly Fishing Derby Flash Gordon Football Freeway Frogger Frogger II: Threedeep Frogs and Flies Frostbite Galaxian Ghost Manor/Spike's Peak double-ender Ghostbusters Golf Gopher Gorf Grand Prix H.E.R.O. Haunted House Homerun Human Cannonball Ice Hocey Ikari Warriors Indy 500 Journey Escape Joust JR Pac-Man Jungle Hunt Kaboom Kangaroo Keystone Kapers Krull Kung-Fu Master Laser Blast Lock 'N' Chase M.A.D. Mario Bros Mash Math Gran Prix Maze Craze Mega Force Megamania Midnight Magic Millipede mineature golf Miner 2049er Missile Command Mogul Maniac Moonsweeper Mouse Trap Ms Pac-Man Night Driver No Escape Oinki Omega Race Othello Outlaw Pac-man Pele's Soccer Pete Rose Baseball Phoenix Pitfall II Pitfall! Planet Patrol Plaque Attack Pole Position Pooyan Popeye Porky's Pressure Cooker Private Eye Qbert Racquetball Raiders of the Lost Ark Rampage Reactor Realsports Baseball x2 Realsports Football Realsports Tennis Riddle of the Sphinx X2 River Raid Robot Tank Seaquest Skiing Sky Jinks Slot Racers Smurf Solar Fox Solaris Sorcerer's Apprentice Space Attack Space Cavern Space Invaders Space Jockey Space Shuttle Space War Spacechase Speedway II Spider Fighter Spider-Man Squeeze Box Stampede Star Raiders Star Ship Star Strike Star Trek Star Voyager Star Wars Empire Strikes Back Star Wars Return of The Jedi Star Wars:Jedi Arena Stargate Starmaster Stellar Track Strategy X Street Racer Street Racer Summer Games Super Breakout Super Challenge Baseball Super Challenge Football Super Football Superman Surround Swordquest Earthworld SwordQuest Fireworld Tac-Scan Tennis Title Match Towering Inferno Trick Shot Tron Deadly Discs Turmoil Tutankham Vanguard Venture video checkers Video Chess Video Olympics Video Pinball Warlords Warplock Winter Games Wizard of Wor Word Zapper Worm War I Yars Revenge Zaxxon Right now I'm looking for the following: Cosmic Commuter River Raid II Bump N Jump Dishaster Encounter At L-5 Fatal Run (PAL only [retron 77 compat}) Frankenstein's Monster Gravitar Lost Luggage Moon Patrol Name This Game Pigs in Space Real Sports Boxing Real Sports Volleyball Skate Boardin' Skeet Shoot Sneek'n Peek Soccer Strawberry Shortcake Super Cobra Thunderground
  5. Sorry if this is a retread because it makes sense that it would have come up before but I didn't find anything in the search option so I figured I'd go ahead. Has anybody made aftermarket end labels for the 8-bit computer catridges like they have for the 5200, SNES, N64 and Jaguar to cover up thos Left Cartridge ends with the game name? images.jfif
  6. I can't seem to find any record of it existing but I remember clearly playing a bar top River Raid at my mom's work The Blue Goose Inn when I was a kid in St. Clair Shores, Michigan.
  7. I have a wierd issue with my roller controller. It works perfectly fine on Slither, but the buttons become almost completely unresponsive for Centipede. To me this makes hardly any sense at all. It's baffled me for years.
  8. My brain doesn't like swinging the wii controller around.

    1. Skippy B. Coyote

      Skippy B. Coyote

      That's why they include the wrist strap with the Wii remote, so you don't hit yourself in the head with it. =)

    2. carlsson


      Too bad the Atari Mindlink didn't work out, your brain probably had liked it better.

  9. My Updated 2600 game list 1 Air Sea Battle 2 Airlock 3 Amidar 4 Armor Ambush 5 Asteroids 6 Astroblast 7 Atlantis 8 Basketball 9 Battlezone 10 Bermuda Triangle 11 Berzerk 12 Blackjack 13 Bowling 14 breakout 15 Buck Rogers 16 California Games 17 Carnival 18 Casino 19 Centipede 20 Chopper Command 21 Circus Atari 22 Combat 23 Commando 24 Cosmic Ark 25 Crossbow 26 Crystal Castles 27 Dark Cavern 28 Dark Chambers 29 Defender 30 Demon Attack 31 Demons to Diamonds 32 Donkey Kong x3 33 Double Dragon 34 Dragon Fire 35 Dragster 36 E.T 37 Enduro 38 Fast Food 39 Firefly 40 Football 41 Freeway 42 Frogger 43 Frogger II: Threedeep 44 Frogs and Flies 45 Galaxian 46 Gorf 47 Grand Prix 48 Haunted House 49 Homerun 50 Ikari Warriors 51 Journey Escape 52 Joust 53 Jungle Hunt 54 Keystone Kapers 55 Laser Blast 56 Mario Bros 57 Maze Craze 58 Megamania 59 Millipede 60 Missile Command 61 Mouse Trap 62 Ms Pac-Man 63 Omega Race 64 Othello 65 Outlaw 66 Pac-man 67 Pele's Soccer 68 Phoenix 69 Pitfall! 70 Qbert 71 Raiders of the Lost Ark 72 Reactor 73 Realsports Baseball x2 74 Realsports Tennis 75 Riddle of the Sphinx 76 River Raid 77 Seaquest 78 Skiing 79 Sky Jinks 80 Smurf 81 Solar Fox 82 Solaris 83 Space Attack 84 Space Cavern 85 Space Invaders 86 Space Jockey 87 Space War 88 Spider Fighter 89 Spider-Man 90 Stampede 91 Star Raiders 92 Star Voyager 93 Star Wars Empire Strikes Back 94 Starmaster 95 Street Racer 96 Super Breakout 97 Superman 98 Surround 99 Swordquest Earthworld 100 SwordQuest Fireworld 101 Tac-Scan 102 Tennis 103 Title Match 104 Towering Inferno 105 Vanguard 106 Video Chess 107 Video Olympics 108 Video Pinball 109 Warlords 110 Winter Games 111 Yars Revenge 112 Zaxxon
  10. The Redemption is basically the same thing as what Bohoki does except he often ads a start button. I use original, and two bohoki adapters for my 2 makopads... I don't like the angle the makopads dpad is on though. I look forward to trying other solutions when I'm no longer broke.
  11. I finally figured out how to play Mappy correctly... better late than never.. lol

  12. So, as a kid I used to have Frogger 2. It was one of my favorite 2600 games. At one point I think I accidentally knocked it onto the floor and stepped on it in middle school. A few weeks ago I wanted to get another copy and was discouraged by how high it was priced on ebay. I ended up finding a copy that had a really crappy label for a lot cheaper than the other offerings. It had what looked like coffee stains, tears, and a name written on it in black sharpie. Sorry about the poor image quality, it is from the original auction photo. I restored it using a rubbing alcohol wipe to remove the name (don't try this on a regular printed label it will remove the ink from that... I used it on the metallic part) a silver sharpie to make all other corrections. I then cleaned it up nicely... check out the restored version.
  13. no doubt! I do hope that the XG-1 works on the C64.. that would be cool, although it may not... I saw one site that said it didn't but that was translated from German so who knows.
  14. okay, I saw this Amiga lightgun by actionware on ebay. It's still live: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEW-Commodore-Amiga-Actionware-Light-Gun-Gray-Phaser-/272807926381?hash=item3f849e9a6d:g:NrAAAOSwutpZlGZK The gun looks exactly the same as my xg-1 lightgun. It even looks like there is red left from a peeled Atari sticker. Also, note the insane price (dunno... seller may just be delirious). I read somewhere that Actionware often repurposed and resold nintendo zappers with their lightgun games. I haven't seen evidence of this, but it sure as heck looks like that is what they did with the xg1 here. Now I'm wondering if the xg1 works on the Amiga and C64 or if there is some mod done to the guns. I have a c64 and I love lightgun games so having it work on another computer would be a plus. I'm also thinking... heck... maybe I should just do the mod and sell my xg1 for 120 bucks on ebay lol (okay not really but there may be others that might want to).
  15. Okay, found my old Iphone 3 and loaded it up with Stella Got a New Brain, and Worship the Woodgrain to be Frankensteined to the Supercharger on the 2600!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Flojomojo


      Mykgerard, you just used the phone as an MP3 player, right? So no reason it HAD to be a 10-year-old device.

    3. mykgerard


      yeah, I had a few old iphone 3's laying around and taking up space and I didn't want to put the mp3's on a device I actually listened to because I didn't want an earful of loud obnoxious code.

    4. mykgerard


      Good_Times I'm not quite getting the connection to joysticks.


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