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    Heavy Metal, Horror & Sci-Fi films, Classic Video Games
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  1. Which version of ROTJ is this? Wire frame shooter like the first two or a different format? Thank.
  2. It was a cd only release I believe. Not seen it reissued in a while. It occasionally turns up for sale. There is a tool for converting the binary into a file that will run on the GD if you have the binary.
  3. I can't wait for this to be released. It looks incredible. Well done to all involved.
  4. This looks great. I'll be buying it.
  5. Well done with this. There is still a dedicated scene that uses Atari Notator and Logic for Midi sequencing. This helps future proof my set up for years to come 👍
  6. Mine arrived today. It's in my Jag now. Sounds great and the graphics are a nice addition too. Well done Remute on a great album and truly unique format.
  7. That is one very cool clock 😎
  8. Cannon Fodder 353 : 3 It keeps crashing after mission 7 on my GD. I'm sure my cart version didn't do that.
  9. 13,425 on Degz I don't know how I missed out on this game until now. Great stuff.
  10. Someone on eBay is selling rotary pro controllers https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/305454609112?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=i442YuetTOG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=YoPxXN5iRTC&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Whilst rotary controllers are awesome for T2K and Rebootroids why use an original Pro controller? Surely a regular Jag pad would have sufficed? I'm not knocking the work but given how rare these things are in stock form...
  11. I have the Dreamcast version and would love to see this on the Jag with Pro controller support. I agree, the graphics and sound do not need messing with. The game looks and sounds great as is.
  12. This is great news. I finally tracked down a Samsung Nuon Dvd player last year and Tempest 3k has been top of my want list since. Good luck Songbird in getting this out ASAP. I'll be buying it.
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