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  1. Got my first Jag because it was cheap enough that my mom would agree to buy me a new console, i sold it later on to finance a Saturn and regretted doing so for decades(loved the Saturn but the Doom port was a downgrade😅). Bought an other one maybe 8 years ago and as many brand new games as i could before it became too expensive to even consider. I probably wouldn't do it today. I have 20+ games if i count different versions of some. Part of the appeal for me is nostalgia. As already stated, there is a very good emulator that you should try before you decide if this system is for you.
  2. I see, i like cheat menus👍😆
  3. I see the imps are both exploding with the shotgun, is this a powerup or something?
  4. Eh, good for them, they got the short end of the stick in the 90's while the vanilla Jag version is still good.
  5. Yes i do. Edit: Never mind, i've tried to let the attract run again after a new boot and it crashed
  6. So i've managed to reach level 16 without any crash, including the level demonstrated and guess what, the attract demo hasn't crashed in 1+ hour. Maybe it was related to the absence of a save file?
  7. Ok so this one is more of a bug report than an issue and quite of an oddball, Mutant Penguin crashes during the game play demo in attract mode at random cycles and at no specific event/place. The display draws itself out with brief white rectangles where the sprites were. I've played 4 levels without any crashes so far tho so it seems to only be the attract mode but i haven't reached the demonstrated level tho. I've let the attract mode for 1 hour on the actual game cart without any crash. I've tested this issue because i've stumbled upon someone's post on Reddit mentioning it.
  8. "new" "tested" The cable has been unrolled and rerolled, so i guess it has been used a few. Also for this price you can have a Jag plus the RePro controller...
  9. Eh i still haven't played my steam copy so maybe i'll wait for a few patches...
  10. Both my jags behave the same with CD games. -VidGrid freezes when loading title screen -Battlemorph has the same music glitch (which sounds actually cool lol it reminds me of synthesized robotic distortion sounds from vintage tech/futuristic shows). It also sometimes boots/doesn't boot... -World Tour Racing gives a black screen seconds around the start of the attract after giving me several iterations of the title screen when trying to access a menu(pushing buttons) It's on a brand new defragged Sandisk Extreme 32 Idk if it's useful info or not, i may try a different SD card to see if results vary.?
  11. Ordered mine on DragonBox and it arrived today. All seems to be working great on my weird jag(Dec. 93?) so far! Finally. it is mine.?
  12. Ah makes sense! that was a decades old mystery to me.
  13. Yeah so i always wondered why some cartridges take longer to display the full logo intro from roar to end, like sometimes i'm waiting for the big ATARI letters to fall wondering if they are ever gonna show up? Pitfall and Defender 2000 are good examples in my case, anybody know what's up with that?
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