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About crunchysuperman

  • Birthday 09/21/1970

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  1. Dude - half a dozen 10-year bumps this morning?
  2. 9) crunchysuperman Thanks for the vote, but since I sold off a lot of my crazy rare stuff, I'd say I'm out of contention these days. My votes would go: Albert Dino Marc Oberhäuser Rom Hunter
  3. Sold off most of my crazy rare stuff. Such money is put to much better uses in my life these days.
  4. Haaaa! Yes, the actual boonies. As in, 1500 people, one mom and pop convenience store, only one restaurant open four days a week, the three postal workers know EVERYONE kind of boonies. On the plus side, there is no one to steal my Atari. Woohoo. Funny, I grew up in that same small town in Northern CA. I thought it was here in VA
  5. What a fun thread! I love hidden treasure finds like this.
  6. Here's the ss pilot & star of honor letters.
  7. I have a bunch packed away somewhere, but don't remember which ones. I'll look when I get home from work.
  8. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say I know where this one came from. If that's the case, it's most certainly a working cartridge.
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