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Combat Commando

Combat Commando (1/9)



  1. Rudy, if they are not relevant why do you keep talking about them? Sorry to hear you got yourself banned for the next 1024 years.
  2. Thanks for the welcome! I have been loving Impossible Mission on an emulator, and I figured it was time to join up. Rudy is funny. Would definitely save him over the other two.
  3. If you are not familiar with Rudy, but want to know how his mind works, take a look at the Charlie Zelenoff story. He is a self declared champion boxer that simply cannot acknowledge that he is not talented. Charlie pays people to spar, then he goes crazy on them, usually taking them by complete surprise. He declares victory, and keeps the delusion going. Rudy J is like that, but in the gaming world. His true value is not in gaming ability, but in providing comic relief.
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