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  1. Hi guys, Thanks for replying. The hum isn't too bad, but the vibrating.... it's just strange. I have a slightly diffferent model PSU that looks the same but its absolutely quiet. I wanted a second one to power both the 800 and 1050. I heard about the laquer method, but this model cpu has no screws to open it. Anyway, I wanted to know if it's safe to use. Any way to find out?
  2. Hi, I recently got a C060592-11 (PL028) for use with my Atari 800. I plugged it in (unloaded) and the thing really buzzes / vibrates. I'm afraid to hook it up now. I measured 10.4 AC on it, so that should be allright. Thanks for any help on this. I don't want to fry my precious 800.... Atari#: C060592-11 / CA017964 (box, Europe) "AC Power Supply" Type: PL028, Made in U.K. Input: 220v~37W 50Hz Output: 9v~27VA Use with: 400,800,810,822,850,1010,1020,1050,XF551,PCF554 Kinds regards, John
  3. Hi, Could I be added to the waiting list? I'd like an uncased version with loose case please. Thank you!
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