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Combat Commando

Combat Commando (1/9)



  1. Don't know how many of you get to the programming forums, but since this is a pretty fun game with some interesting jump physics, I thought I'd share with rest. and a video and the bin Enjoy! Broch
  2. Broch


    Sometimes screen shots don't really show what it does, heres a video: -Broch
  3. Broch


    It really is some good work that was put into batari and would love to see it continue. I started work on a IDE since the first one that is out while great, could you some improvement and maybe would draw more into the "community". So I'm throwing the infamous "I gonna to work on.." out there and see what happens.
  4. Broch


    Run! Here is a quick run and jump side scroller with pretty smooth jumping. Pressing up jump and left-right control the direction. Avoid falling, running out of time and getting by the bullets. Special items float by to freeze time and speed up time. The objective is to get 4 of the keys floating by.. It was my first write using batari, and my friend Bucket did the design and characters. Cheers! - Broch set smartbranching on set romsize 4k set optimization speed rem Run! rem programmed by Broch rem designed by Bucket rem change log: rem 9/28/2005 : first version rem 9/29/2005 : cleaned up code base rem *** variables rem *** available: rem *** ctrl variable f,g,i rem *** flow - programstart ->init vars ->renderpf->rendertop->doneplayerfield->rendertop score = 0 ballx = 5 ballheight = 0 goto startme programstart rem * CLEAR * gosub clear rem * DEFINE VARS x = 0 : rem * player x y = 50 : rem * player y dim peg1 = u dim peg2 = v dim peg3 = t dim pegr1 = l dim pegr2 = j dim pegr3 = k dim timefreezepos = q dim mastertick = p dim mastertick2 = b dim missilepos = c dim item = z dim movingx = o dim winner = w dim powerup = m dim mscore = s dim falling = h dim velocity = d.e dim panim = i dim tick = a dim tick2 = n data bcolors 0, 20, 10, 120, 99, 0 end rem *INIT VARS NUSIZ0=$13 velocity = 0 : falling = 1 : panim = 1 : tick = 0 COLUBK = bcolors[ballx] : COLUP0 = 30 : COLUP1 = 88 : COLUPF = 214 : x = 0 : y = 50 : mastertick2 = 0 : player0x = x : player0y = y item = 1 timefreezepos = 60 : missilepos = 60 peg3 = 55 : peg2 = 43 : peg1 = 31 : pegr1 = 10 : pegr2 = 7 : pegr3 = 4 scorecolor = 14 pfhline 0 0 20 on pfhline 0 10 4 on movingx = 40 : mastertick = 0 : mastertick2 = 0 mscore = 23 powerup = 0 winner = 0 velocity = 0 i = 0 f = 0 g = 0 rendertop rem ** BEGIN goto renderpf rem ** LOGIC renlogic player0y = player0y + velocity : player0y = player0y + 12 if !collision(player0,playfield) then falling = 1 else falling = 0 : velocity = 0 if collision(player0,playfield) && y < 30 then falling = 1 player0y = player0y - velocity : player0y = player0y - 12 if joy0up && falling = 0 then falling = 1 : velocity = -2.1 if falling = 1 then velocity = velocity + 0.1 if falling = 0 then velocity = 0 y = y + velocity if y > 90 then y = 0: velocity = 0: falling = 1 if y > 85 && mscore < 23 then goto gameover if joy0left then x = x - 1 : tick = tick + 1 : REFP0 = 8 if x < 28 then x = 28 if joy0right then x = x + 1 : tick = tick + 1 : REFP0 = 0 if x > 152 then x = 152 if tick > 3 then tick = 0 : panim = panim + 1 if panim > 3 then panim = 1 if falling = 1 then panim = 4 player0x = x : player0y = y if collision(player1,player0) && item = 1 && powerup = 0 then powerup = 1 : score = score + 200 : tick2 = 0 : mscore = 23 if collision(player1,player0) && item = 3 && powerup <> 3 then tick2 = 200: score = score + 800 : powerup = 3 : winner = winner + 1 : g = winner * 2 : g = 31 - g : pfpixel g 0 on if collision(player1,player0) && item = 4 && powerup = 0 then powerup = 4 : score = score + 500 : tick2 = 0 if winner > 250 then winner = 0 if collision(player0,missile0) && mscore < 30 then goto gameover if collision(player0,missile1) && mscore < 30 then goto gameover if tick2 > 250 then powerup = 0 : tick2 = 0 : COLUBK = bcolors[ballx] if powerup = 1 then tick2 = tick2 + 1 : AUDV0 = 15 - tick2 : AUDC0 = 4 : AUDF0 = 31 if powerup = 3 then tick2 = tick2 + 1 : AUDV0 = 5 : AUDC0 = 8 : AUDF0 = 31 - tick2 if powerup = 4 then tick2 = tick2 + 1 : AUDV0 = 5 : AUDC0 = 3 : AUDF0 = 31 + tick2 : COLUBK = tick if powerup = 0 then AUDV0 = 0 if mscore < 32 then AUDV1 = 1 : AUDC1 = 3 : AUDF1 = mscore if joy0up && velocity > 0 && powerup = 0 && falling = 1 then AUDV1 = 5 : AUDC1 = 4 : AUDF1 = y 234 if panim = 1 then goto 241 235 if panim = 2 then goto 245 236 if panim = 3 then goto 247 237 if panim = 4 then goto 249 241 player0: %10000110 %11100100 %00101000 %00110000 %00111100 %00010000 %00001100 %00001100 end 242 243 goto 255 245 player0: %00011000 %00110000 %00010000 %01110000 %00111000 %00010000 %00001100 %00001100 end 246 goto 255 247 player0: %01100000 %00101100 %00011000 %00110000 %00110000 %00010000 %00001100 %00001100 end 248 goto 255 249 player0: %01000000 %01101100 %00111000 %00110000 %00110110 %10011000 %01101100 %00001100 end 250 goto 255 255 rem time freeze 256 if item=1 then goto 260 258 if item=3 then goto 264 259 if item=4 then goto 266 260 player1: %01111111 %00100010 %01000001 %01001101 %01001001 %00100010 %00011100 %00100010 end 261 goto doneplayfield 264 player1: %00100010 %00110110 %00011100 %00111110 %01111111 %00001000 %00001000 %00000000 end 265 goto doneplayfield 266 player1: %00001000 %00001100 %01111110 %01111111 %01111110 %00001100 %00001000 %00000000 end 267 goto doneplayfield rem *** RENDER rem ** PLAY FIELD ** renderpf rem ** PADS if mastertick > 0 then goto renderitems if peg1 = 250 then peg1 = 31 : g = rand else f1 if pegr3 = 10 then pegr1 = 7 : goto f1 if pegr3 = 7 && g > 170 then pegr1 = 4 : goto f1 if pegr3 = 7 && g > 85 then pegr1 = 7 : goto f1 if pegr3 = 7 && g >= 0 then pegr1 = 10: goto f1 if pegr3 = 4 then pegr1 = 7 f1 peg1 = peg1 - 1 if peg1>=0 && peg1 <=31 then pfpixel peg1 pegr1 on peg1 = peg1 + 5 if peg1>=0 && peg1 <=31 then pfpixel peg1 pegr1 off peg1 = peg1 - 5 if peg2 = 250 then peg2 = 31 : g = rand else goto f2 if pegr1 = 10 then pegr2 = 7 : goto f2 if pegr1 = 7 && g > 170 then pegr2 = 4 : goto f2 if pegr1 = 7 && g > 85 then pegr2 = 7 : goto f2 if pegr1 = 7 && g >= 0 then pegr2 = 10 : goto f2 if pegr1 = 4 then pegr2 = 7 f2 peg2 = peg2 - 1 if peg2>=0 && peg2 <=31 then pfpixel peg2 pegr2 on peg2 = peg2 + 5 if peg2>=0 && peg2 <=31 then pfpixel peg2 pegr2 off peg2 = peg2 - 5 if peg3 = 250 then peg3 = 31 : g = rand else goto f3 if pegr2 = 10 then pegr3 = 7 : goto f3 if pegr2 = 7 && g > 170 then pegr3 = 4 : goto f3 if pegr2 = 7 && g > 85 then pegr3 = 7 : goto f3 if pegr2 = 7 && g >= 0 then pegr3 = 10: goto f3 if pegr2 = 4 then pegr3 = 7 f3 peg3 = peg3 - 1 if peg3>=0 && peg3 <=31 then pfpixel peg3 pegr3 on peg3 = peg3 + 5 if peg3>=0 && peg3 <=31 then pfpixel peg3 pegr3 off peg3 = peg3 - 5 renderitems rem ** ITEMS ** f = movingx : f = f * 6 player1y = timefreezepos if f > 28 && f < 152 then player1x = f else player1x = 0 : player1y = 0 : g=30 f=rand if player1x = 0 && g=30 && f > 170 then timefreezepos = 25 : g = 0 if player1x = 0 && g=30 && f > 25 then timefreezepos = 52 : g = 0 if player1x = 0 && g=30 && f >= 0 then timefreezepos = 75 if player1x > 0 then goto ij f = rand if f > 200 then item = 4 : goto ij if f > 100 then item = 3 : goto ij if f > 0 then item = 1 ij rem ** missiles ** rem if missile0x < 250 then missile0x = 41 f = movingx - 70 : f = f * 6 : f = 0 - f if f > 28 && f < 152 then missile0x = f : missile0y = pegr1 * 2 : missile0height = 1 else missile0x = 0 : missile0y = 0 : missile0height = 0 if missile0x = 0 then missilepos = rand rem if missile1x < 250 then missile1x = 41 f = movingx - 70 : f = f * 6 : f = 0 - f : g = rand if f > 28 && f < 152 && g > 129 then missile1x = f-30 : missile1y = pegr1 * 5 : missile1height = 1 else missile1x = 0 : missile1y = 0 : missile1height = 0 goto renlogic doneplayfield if powerup = 0 && mastertick2 > 100 then mscore = mscore - 1 : score = score + 25 : mastertick2 = 0 : pfpixel mscore 0 off if mscore <= 1 then score = 0: drawscreen: goto gameover mastertick = mastertick + 1 mastertick2 = mastertick2 +1 f = ballx - 1 if mastertick > ballx && powerup = 0 || powerup = 3 then movingx = movingx - 1 : mastertick = 0 if mastertick > f && powerup = 4 then movingx = movingx - 1 : mastertick = 0 if mastertick > f && powerup = 1 then movingx = movingx - 1 : mastertick = 0 if winner >= 4 then goto nextlevel g = 0 if movingx = 0 then g = 0 : movingx=41 drawscreen goto rendertop rem ** GAME OVER ** gameover drawscreen : f = 0 : COLUBK = 0 goverloop AUDV1 = 5 : AUDC1 = 7 : AUDF1 = rand : AUDV0 = 0 COLUPF = 0 : COLUBK = 0 COLUP0 = rand COLUP1 = 0 : scorecolor = 0 drawscreen f = f + 1 if f < 60 then goto goverloop for g = 0 to 11 pfhline 0 g 31 offa next g score = 0 : AUDV1 = 0 drawscreen : goto programstart goto goverloop rem ** NEXT LEVLE nextlevel gosub clear COLUPF = 14 gosub logo COLUP0 = 0 COLUP1 = 0 : scorecolor = 0 : player0x=0:player1x=255 g = 78 m = 5 for f = 1 to 180 AUDV1 = m : AUDC1 = 12 : AUDF1 = f : AUDV0 = 0 : COLUBK = g : COLUP0 = g : COLUP1 = g g = g - 1 if g < 64 then g = 64 drawscreen next winner = 0 score = score + 2500 AUDV1 = 0 ballx=ballx - 1 if ballx = 255 then goto startme goto programstart rem ** start screen startme gosub clear COLUPF = 14 gosub logo COLUP0 = 0 COLUP1 = 0 : scorecolor = 0 : player0x=0:player1x=255 500 g = g + 1 COLUBK = g : COLUP0 = g : COLUP1 = g : COLUPF = 255-g drawscreen if joy0fire then goto programstart goto 500 rem * logo logo pfpixel 1 1 on:pfpixel 2 1 on:pfpixel 3 1 on:pfpixel 14 1 on pfpixel 27 1 on:pfpixel 28 1 on:pfpixel 1 2 on:pfpixel 4 2 on pfpixel 14 2 on:pfpixel 27 2 on:pfpixel 28 2 on:pfpixel 1 3 on pfpixel 4 3 on:pfpixel 6 3 on:pfpixel 8 3 on:pfpixel 10 3 on pfpixel 11 3 on:pfpixel 14 3 on:pfpixel 26 3 on:pfpixel 1 4 on pfpixel 2 4 on:pfpixel 3 4 on:pfpixel 6 4 on:pfpixel 8 4 on pfpixel 10 4 on:pfpixel 12 4 on:pfpixel 25 4 on:pfpixel 26 4 on pfpixel 27 4 on:pfpixel 28 4 on:pfpixel 1 5 on:pfpixel 4 5 on pfpixel 7 5 on:pfpixel 8 5 on:pfpixel 10 5 on:pfpixel 12 5 on pfpixel 14 5 on:pfpixel 25 5 on:pfpixel 26 5 on:pfpixel 23 6 on pfpixel 24 6 on:pfpixel 25 6 on:pfpixel 27 6 on:pfpixel 23 7 on pfpixel 28 7 on:pfpixel 28 8 on:pfpixel 29 8 on return rem * CLEAR draw buff clear r29 asm ldx #47 lda #0 clearpf sta playfield,x dex bpl clearpf end return run.zip
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