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  1. Hi, some time agi I saw that somebody posted the intro screen from the XL Conversion for it. Did the conversion rom get posted or am I missing something ? Or didnt it get dumped yet on the forum?
  2. Yes Rybags your right, it would be awesome if a program could read out the region of a cart bin file. So far I cant figure it out how to determine it or if there is such a program for it.
  3. Thanks for the info. But my question is if its possible to see if a dumped ROM on AtariAge is PAL or NTSC. There seems to be a flag for it, this is stated in the document PAM Package by Rob Zdybel (www.atarimuseum.com) page 20 where he states at number 9) from the Inter-office memo subject: PAM Standard) ---> PAL - The Primary PAL difference is that PAL frames occur at 50 HZ instead of 60HZ for NTSC. For those carts which need to adjust for the difference in frame timing, a register (PAL=D014) is avaliable in the GTIA. This location will read "0F" for NTSC and "01" for PAL. Use this as needed to select PAL or NTSC speed tables for your moving objects. In addition, PAL ANTIC provides 50 additional lines of Vertical Blank. The typical display list uses BLANK instructions at the top of the screen and a JUMPWT (JUMP & WAIT for Vertical Blank) at the bottom of the screen. (The programmer may wish to add more playfield. Use the PAL register to select or modify the display list if desired.)
  4. Btw does Xagon only run on usb cart also like M.U.L.E.?
  5. Is there a way to tell if the roms are pal or ntsc (with hex-editor). I mean is there a way to determine the dumped roms on AtariAge are pal or ntsc? So far i found in some docs the following: Only in the 2-port FD32 AD 14 C0 LDA $C014 ;Read PAL register FD35 29 0E AND #$0E ;Mask off bits 1-3 FD37 D0 0F BNE $FD48 ;Jump if system is NTSC FD39 AD E7 BF LDA $BFE7 ;Read PAL byte in cart FD3C C9 15 CMP #$15 ;Be sure it's a PAL cart FD3E F0 08 BEQ $FD48 ; FD40 C9 30 CMP #$30 ; FD42 F0 04 BEQ $FD48 ; FD44 29 02 AND #$02 ; FD46 F0 FE BEQ $FD46 ;If it's not PAL cart hang system and PAL (Read $D014) 0 NTSC 1 If this computer is designed for the NTSC television standard (used in North America), the NTSC bits will all be set. If this computer is designed for the PAL standard (used in Europe), the NTSC bits will be clear. On NTSC systems, vertical blank occurs at 60Hz. Since the computer's clock speed is tied to the television color frequency, and the chrominance signal is defined as 3.579545MHz, the CPU speed is 1.7897725MHz. There are 262.5 scan lines vertically and approximately 210 color clocks horizontally (taking out the delays for horizontal blanking and color burst. I forgot to write down the exact timing values before returning the book.) On PAL systems, vertical blank occurs at 50Hz. The CPU speed is approximately 2.217MHz. (I don't have more detailed timing values for the PAL television standard. The number of scan lines is somewhere around 312, which may affect the vertical display ranges.)
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