Prototype |
Picture |
Description |
Kee Games Console |
Kee Games was a video game division created
by Atari to market the same products under a different brand
name. This is the only known prototype of a proposed Kee
Games edition of the 2600. It is a standard 6-switch 2600
with rainbow coloring. |
Atari 2700 |
This is a remote control version of the 2600
that was never released. |
Atari 2000 |
This is a 2600 compatible system with two
built-in joysticks. The cartridge is inserted into the back
of the unit. The is the design that would eventually become
the 2600 Jr. |
Atari 2000 |
This is the second version of the 2000. The
color was changed to be more appealing to children. |
Amiga Power System |
Promoted but not released, this item is similar
to the Supercharger. Insert the main module into the deck,
and load tape games from an attached player. The first
games announced were 3D Ghost Attack, 3D Havoc, and 3D Genesis,
complete with 3D glasses. We're not sure if Amiga ever had a
working model, this scan is from a catalog. |
Atari Mindlink |
Actually demonstrated at trade shows, the
Mindlink was worn on one's head and responded to muscle impulses.
It was not well received, and Atari cancelled the product.
Two games were to be released, Bionic Breakthrough and Mind
Maze. A few of these units actually exist today, as well
as a Bionic Breakthrough cartridge. |
Starpath Demonstration Unit |
Not really a prototype, but a marketing tool,
the Starpath Demo unit contains previews of various Starpath
games. |
EPROM Chips and Cartridge |
Not actual prototypes, these could be more
accurately described as hacks. The cartridge is custom
modified to play individual chips, probably copies made by an
employee who worked on manufacturing the actual ROMs for cartridges.
While this type of action was not approved of, it was not terribly
infrequent. |
Star Wars: Revenge of the Jedi Game I |
This is a prototype box for a Star Wars game
that was never released, and may have never even been coded.
Or this may have been another name for Ewok Adventure, which
was discovered in prototype form. |
Star Wars: Revenge of the Jedi Game II |
This is a prototype box for a Star Wars game
that was never released, and may have never even been coded. |
Imagic Sky Patrol |
This is a prototype box for the unreleased
game Sky Patrol, by Imagic. This game turned up at Classic
Gaming Expo 99. |
Data Age Frankenstein's Monster Prototype |
Here is an example of a prototype cartridge
from Data Age, in this case Frankenstein's Monster. It
has a standard looking red label with "Frankenstein's Monster"
hand written on it. |
Xante Beany Bopper |
A Beany Bopper prototype cartridge from Xante.
Apparently they manufactured at lease some of the games for
20th Century Fox. In this case, the programmer appears
to be Grady Ward. |
Wizard Texas Chainsaw Massacre Prototype |
Another example of a prototype cartridge,
this one from Wizard. In this case, the gameplay actually
differs slightly from the released version. |
First Star Boing! Prototype |
This is a pre-release copy of Boing! from
First Star Software. |
Atari Centipede Lab Loaner |
This is what is typically called a "Lab
Loaner". A working (often final) version of a game for
test purposes. This one happens to be a PAL version of Centipede. |
Telesys Stargunner Proto |
This is a pre-release copy of Stargunner
from Telesys. |