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Climber 5 is a port by Dennis Debro of an Atari 8-bit computer game that originally appeared in COMPUTE! magazine back in 1987. In Climber you play the role of a baseball player. The baseball has been hit to the upper rafters of a building under construction. Your job is to climb the ladders and retrieve the ball. Of course, there are obstacles along the way that you need to avoid or you lose a life and must start over at the bottom right corner. Once you successfully retrieve the ball, the level changes and becomes more difficult. You can view a screenshot from the original Atari 8-bit version (which you can see here) and can read the original COMPUTE! article here. AtariAge and Dennis Debro are sponsoring a contest to create original label artwork for Climber 5. This label artwork will appear on all copies of Climber 5, which will make its debut at the Austin Gaming Expo on July 26, 2003. This artwork will also be used on the cover of the manual created for Climber 5. Dennis Debro has released a public version of Climber 5, which you can download here. The version released at AGE will be enhanced beyond this version, but this binary will allow you to get a feel for the game as you scheme up label ideas. Here are Dennis' thoughts on a Climber 5 label,
The winner of the contest will receive an autographed copy of Climber 5, as well as his or her name in the credits as listed in the manual. The contest will run until Midnight (CST), Sunday, June 22nd, 2003. All submissions must be received by this time! After the contest has ended, Dennis Debro will select one of the entries as the label to be used for Climber 5. Both a main label and an end label must be included with your submission. For your label to be considered, please understand these guidelines and conditions. Any questions may be directed to editor@atariage.com:
Labels should be saved in a non-lossy image format such as PNG, TIFF, PCX, or BMP. If you need to save your image using JPEG for some reason, please use a minimal amount of compression. In order for the label to look good when printed, it should be saved at at 200dpi or better. If you are concerned about large file sizes you can drop us a line before mailing the file, but generally anything under 10MB will not be a problem. Please take care to make sure your label is proportioned correctly. You may download these graphics to assist in this effort: Please do not send your labels already attached to these templates, they are provided only to help you properly frame your label. We will shrink and crop your label to the correct size and place it on the templates for inclusion on this page where others may view them. The original, high-resolution submissions will be sent to Dennis Debro when the contest is complete. Label submissions and questions about the contest must be sent to editor@atariage.com. We will post submissions publicly on this page as we receive them. The contest may also be discussed in our Contests Forum. For some examples of labels submitted in our last 2600 label contests, please visit the Qb Label Contest Page, Gunfight Label Contest Page and Mental Kombat Label Contest Page. Remember, the contest ends at Midnight (CST), Sunday, June 22nd, 2003! |