rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem --- SillyVenture_2019_Fluid_City_PAL demo - B SIDE, previously unreleased! rem --- This demo features: rem --- Smooth fluid full screen Animation with the largest text scroller ever on the Atari VCS! rem --- Motion Blur Reduction parallel discovery made on Atari as featured on rem --- Impressionistic Music Engine changing Tunes and Fx - tune: Impressionism II rem -- note: tune is now the B SIDE tune, that's theme5! rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem --- 20191126 Bugfix fixed debug color tuning via reset and select [do not use] rem --- 20191127 Added algorithm to resequence the musical score on all scrolling text screens rem --- 20191202 Tuning the PAL color defaults for best display [some were dropping intermittently] rem --- adj tuning; colorizeplayer for 16 inc, also lines 71-2,maintains PAL intensity vals rem --- 2011202 Bugfix - found the overcycle spots on the scroller and optimized them! rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem -- Notes about the Demo: rem -- The playable game component is written in 9 lines of BASIC rem -- and beat the C64 in the 2016 Vintage BASIC 10 liners contest! rem -- the ASCII engine for the large text scroller is the rest of the code, rem -- use the bw switch to toggle the Motion Blur Reduction demo during the text scrolling! rem --- Destroy the Industrial complex containing a Gravitic Mine that has you rem --- Trapped in orbit around a Moon, before the Mine pulls you down. rem Demo activation Controls: rem --- select/reset - change ship/city color schemes rem --- bw - Activates Warp Drive during play - 60 FPS impossible skill level, with MBR! rem --- bw - Toggles motion blur reduction during large text scrolling rem --- left difficulty - Advanced/Beginner setting for the Fluid City depth rem ---init section, runs once: ------------- scrollvirtualworldtoggle=1 MUSICINDEX=135:player0y=4 rem g=2 rem --- queue intro scene: gosub 1: g=2:py=77:gosub setmsg rem ---gameloop subroutine, runs every frame: --- if g=2 then goto top_message t=1-t:rem toggle rem --- check for Winner if player0y<3 then CXCLR=0:g=2:for i=0 to 255:AUDF0=i:AUDV0=i:next i:BYTErowoffset=0:py=player0y:gosub setmsg:goto top_message if SWCHB|%11110111<>255 then scrollvirtualworldtoggle=35:gosub DLI:scrollvirtualworldtoggle=0:goto 0:rem double speed - every frame if t=0 then scrollvirtualworldtoggle=35:gosub DLI:scrollvirtualworldtoggle=0:return: rem run this DLI every other frame 0 data city 1,4,2,5,3,2,3,1,4,1,5,5,5,2,2,3,1,4,1,4,3,1,4,4,1,1,2,2,3,1,3,4,5,4,4,3,4,5,1,2,4,1,5,2,2,3,1,3,5,1,4,1 rem ------------------------------------------------------------------ rem 20191025 SillyVenture variable Music Fx Impressionism theme added! rem data data data rem use player0y/8, rem lsr lsr lsr the player0y val if out of time on calling the slow division routine rem load balancing - putting this in top loop 1st: score =player0y/8 " lda player0y: lsr: lsr: lsr: sta score; faster inline assembly routine than division/8 call" if by>score then by=0:SUSTAINFORFRAMES=9:AUDC0=0 else by=by+1 rem ------------------------------------------------------------------ rem score=player0y/8: rem 201925 load balancing fast mode, may have to lsr it... 1 if g=0 then for j=0 to 7:player1(j)=189:player0(j)=pl(j):next j:BYTErowoffset=120:COLUPF=$50:COLUP0=$b4:COLUBK=0 else goto 3 scrollvirtualworldtoggle=1:g=1 rem =77:goto bounce_off_this_for_intro:rem queue initial intro scene!!! 2 for j=20 to 71:k=j-20:k=city(k)+14:for i=k to 19:vwpixel(j,i,on):next i,j:player0y=96:player0x=84:COLUP1=$74:y=20 3 AUDV0=0:BITIndex=BITIndex+1:missile0x=missile0x+2:data pl 0,224,127,231,252,192:data P 128,0 rem 3 BITIndex=BITIndex+1:missile0x=missile0x+2:data pl 0,224,127,231,252,192:data P 128,0 if SWCHB|%11111101=255 then goto dontchangerowcolors for i=1 to 8:rem 0 to 9 breaks it??? score=rowcolors(i)+16:rem not 4, maintaining intensity if score>223 or score<33 then score=38:rem 20191202 brighter intensity seed val for PAL rowcolors(i)=score next i rem return:rem fixes it? dontchangerowcolors if SWCHB|%11111110<>255 then gosub colorizeplayer fix3 return top_message rem ------ MESSAGING SUBSYSTEM (top vertical blank) rem ------------------------------------------------------------------ rem g=0 --- can't turn messaging back off here because the bottom blank code will break... if bx<>255 then bx=bx+1 65 if var1>0 then VBLANK=2:rem disable TIA output while reguaging display 70 if t=1 then scrollvirtualworldtoggle=32:gosub DLI:scrollvirtualworldtoggle=6:scrollvirtualworldtoggle=0:return 77 if SWCHB|%11110111<>255 then VBLANK=2:rem disable TIA output for 30 HZ view with COLOR switch return bottom_message rem ------- MESSAGING SUBSYSTEM (bottom vertical blank) rem can turn messaging back off here: rem queue delay so message isn't instantly stopped rem ------------------------------------------------------------------ rem 20191027 SillyVenture variable Music Fx Impressionism theme, Title Screen remix rem seed is 10 rem if by>8 then by=0:SUSTAINFORFRAMES=9:AUDC0=0 else by=by+1 if by>23 then by=0:SUSTAINFORFRAMES=23 else by=by+1 rem opt - g is already 2 if program is here... rem if g=2 and joy0fire=1 and bx=255 then for i=0 to 239: virtualworld(i)=0:next i:g=0:NUSIZ0=%00000000:REFP0=0:BITIndex=0:BYTErowoffset=120:scrollvirtualworldtoggle=1:CXCLR=0:var2=0:MUSICINDEX=135:return if bx=255 and joy0fire=1 then for i=0 to 239: virtualworld(i)=0:next i:g=0:NUSIZ0=%00000000:REFP0=0:BITIndex=0:BYTErowoffset=120:scrollvirtualworldtoggle=1:CXCLR=0:var2=0:MUSICINDEX=135:return t=1-t: rem s=1-s:rem toggle - s was getting set to 4 sometimes (also flag var) 50 if t=1 then scrollvirtualworldtoggle=35:gosub DLI:scrollvirtualworldtoggle=0:gosub linkplayer:return rem if s=1 then scrollvirtualworldtoggle=35:gosub DLI:scrollvirtualworldtoggle=0:vwpixel(70,8,bindplayer0):gosub linkplayer:return if BITIndex=0 and BYTErowoffset=0 and var1=7 then scrollvirtualworldtoggle=1: rem gosub drawlettersonscreen rem player0x=MUSICINDEX:player0y=MUSICINDEX*2 rem s=0 if var1=0 then BITIndex=BITIndex+1 else var1=var1-1 rem optimization if BITIndex<>72 then return if BYTErowoffset=120 then BITIndex=0:BYTErowoffset=0:var1=7:return if BYTErowoffset=0 then BITIndex=0:BYTErowoffset=120 rem if BITIndex=72 and BYTErowoffset=120 then BITIndex=0:BYTErowoffset=0:var1=7 rem if BITIndex=72 and BYTErowoffset=0 then BITIndex=0:BYTErowoffset=120 return rem setmsg2 rem return rem ------------------------------------------------------------- drawlettersonscreen rem ------------------------------------------ rem ---variables---- rem ---var1 phrase delay rem ---m = block index rem ---var2 = target block (0 or 1), up to 512 characters, easily expanded rem ---i,j,k,l - loop vars rem ---n = tracker controller rem for i=0 to 239:virtualworld(i)=0:next i:rem clear virtualworld MUSICINDEX=135 if var2=1 then goto jmpmsgtypes rem if py<15 then goto jmpmsgtypes: rem and m=255 then m=0:goto jmpmsgtypes if py<=36 and m>179 then m=120 if py<=36 then goto jmpmsgtypes if py>=53 and m>59 then m=0 rem if py>=54 then goto jmpmsgtypes if py<=52 and m>119 then m=60 jmpmsgtypes if m=255 then m=0: rem :var2=var2+1:rem next block, first index rem if var2=2 then var2=0:rem only 2 blocks (512 characters) rem if var2=2 then var2=1:rem only repeat block2 (512 characters) v=2 secondpass if v>2 then v=119:rem second pass for bottom of screen for j=20 to 84 step 8:k=j+8 v=v+1:rem starts at 3...goes 9 accross for i=j to k rem replace this with lookup rem l=j-20:l=l+i:l=l-j:rem l=sprites(l) l=m rem if v>119 then l=l+48:rem adjust overlap placement for 2nd pass if var2=0 then l=textdata(l) if var2=1 then l=text2dat(l) if l>60 and l<97 then l=l+32:rem --- filter uppercase if l=48 then l=111: rem 0 maps to O if l=49 then l=105: rem 1 maps to i if l=56 then l=98: rem 8 maps to B if l=53 then l=115: rem 5 maps to S if l=50 then l=123: rem 2 maps to z+1 if l=51 then l=124: rem 3 maps to z+2 if l=52 then l=125: rem 4 maps to z+3 if l=54 then l=126: rem 6 maps to z+4 if l=55 then l=127: rem 7 maps to z+5 if l=57 then l=128: rem 9 maps to z+6 if l=33 then l=i-j:l=sprites2(l):goto handel_exclamation_too : rem handle ! while out of space for chars! if l=32 then l=0 else l=l-97:l=l*8:l=l+i:l=l-j:l=sprites(l) handel_exclamation_too virtualworld(v)=l v=v+12 next i m=m+1: rem next letter rem save cycles: rem v=v-96:rem 12*8; return to the relative top row rem v=v-12:rem why? v=v-108 next j if v<122 then m=m-3: goto secondpass return data sprites2 %00000000 data sprites2a %00000000 data sprites2b %00001100 data sprites2c %00001100 data sprites2d %00001100 data sprites2e %00000100 data sprites2f %00000000 data sprites2g %00001100 rem --- Message Data can be ASCII codes in BASIC data statements --- rem --- or direct text in the special format shown! :) --- rem data textdata 104,101,108,108,111,32,119,111,114,108,100,32,116,104,105,115,105,115,97,116,101,115,116,111,102,116,104,101,97,116,97,114,105,50,54,48,48,98,105,103,116,101,120,116,115,99,114,111,108,108,101,114,116,104,97,116,114,117,110,115,97,116,54,48,104,122,111,114,51,48,104,122,44,97,110,100,51,48,102,112,115,119,104,105,108,101,114,117,110,110,105,110,103,97,103,97,109,101,97,110,100,112,108,97,121,105,110,103,116,114,97,99,107,101,114,116,117,110,101,115,111,110,115,116,111,99,107,86,67,83,100,111,117,98,108,101,116,114,117,101,100,111,117,98,108,101,116,114,117,101,32,105,115 rem ---- Plain text (easier) can be added directly like this: data textdata "Hi SillyVenture" data tdata9 "2019 is awesome" data tdata8 "fantastic scene" data tdata7 "scrollers dream" data tdata6 "Playah go again" data tdataB "you know what I" data tdataC "mean! Ices back" data tdatad "read the screen" data tdataaa "Keep playin bro" data tdataa9 "Your oxygens go" data tdataa8 "have a shot of " data tdataa7 "whiskey n smoke" data tdataa6 "Have you played" data tdataaB "Atari today!msg" data tdataaC "easter-egg fun!" data tdataad "I love writing " data tdataae "BASIC demos!U2?" data text2dat "You Win PLAYAH!" data t2dat9 "scene shoutout " data t2dat8 "for every coder" data t2dat7 "at SillyVenture" data t2dat6 "Mad propz goto " data t2datB "TJOPPEN!SHADOW!" data t2datC "NOICE!KK DMA! " data t2datd "TRILOBITcluster" data t2data "Altair! AYCE! " data t2dat9a "Flush! XAYAX! " data t2dat8a "Mystic! Jakub! " data t2dat7a "Dentrifice!JAC!" data t2datBa "Youre all the " data t2dat6a "best coders! Go" data t2datCa "write more cool" data t2datda "VCS demos super" data t2datea "StarFighters!!!" rem ASCII translation key: -97 to get 0, * 8 to get index, different for 0123456789 (remapped) rem ----------------------------------------------------------------- rem ----------------------------------------------------------------- 17 rem ---gameloop2 subroutine, runs every frame: -- if g=2 then goto bottom_message if SWCHB|%11110111<>255 then scrollvirtualworldtoggle=8:gosub DLI:scrollvirtualworldtoggle=0:goto 18:rem double speed - every frame if t=1 then scrollvirtualworldtoggle=8:gosub DLI:scrollvirtualworldtoggle=0:return: rem run this DLI every other frame 18 rem COLUBK=0 if s=4 then s=0:vwpixel(x,y,flip):player1x=0:player1y=0:AUDC0=y:y=20:AUDF0=4:AUDV0=15:goto 7 if joy0fire=1 and y>=20 then AUDF1=6:AUDC1=8:AUDV1=15:x=BITIndex+10:i=96-player0y:i=i/10:y=11+i:goto 5: rem fix3 rem 5 if y<21 then vwpixel(x,y,bindplayer1):j=y-10:y=y+1:COLUP1=M(j):data M $64,$54,$b4,$a4,$32,$44,$c4,$94,$f4,$54,$24,$42 if y>19 then goto 7 5 vwpixel(x,y,bindplayer1):j=y-10:y=y+1:COLUP1=M(j):data M $64,$54,$b4,$a4,$32,$44,$c4,$94,$f4,$54,$24,$42 if vwpixel(x,y,poll)>0 then s=4: rem queue event rem optimize 6 if y<=19 and vwpixel(x,y,poll)>0 then vwpixel(x,y,flip):player1x=0:player1y=0:AUDC0=y:y=20:AUDF0=4:AUDV0=15 6 rem if y<20 and vwpixel(x,y,poll)>0 then s=4 7 rem if BITIndex>71 then if BITIndex<>72 then missile1x=missile1x+1:missile1y=missile1y+3:goto 8 BITIndex=0 rem --- make it easier if difficulty is selected (extra 8 passes) rem if player0y<90 then player0y=player0y-2 else player0y=player0y-1 rem -- allow left difficulty to grant several extra orbits at the beginning if set to B (beginner)! if SWCHB & %01000000 = 0 and player0y>89 then player0y=player0y-1 else player0y=player0y-2 rem if u = 0 and player0y>88 then player0y=player0y-1 else player0y=player0y-2 rem 8 if CXP0FB>126 or player0y=1 then CXCLR=0:g=2:for i=0 to 255:AUDF0=i:AUDV0=i:next i:BYTErowoffset=0:py=player0y:gosub setmsg else missile0y=missile0y+2 8 if CXP0FB=130 then CXCLR=0:g=2:py=player0y:gosub setmsg else missile0y=missile0y+2 return linkplayer if u=0 then player0y=player0y+2 else player0y=player0y-1 if player0y>96 then u=1 if player0y<8 then u=0 if px=0 then player0x=player0x+2 else player0x=player0x-1 if player0x>140 then px=1:REFP0=255:return if player0x<8 then px=0:REFP0=0:return player1x=player1x+1:player1y=player1y+2 missile1y=missile1y+3:missile1x=missile1x+1 missile0y=missile0y+2:missile0x=missile0x+1 return setmsg rem ---- init score msg based on position m=0:bx=0 rem -- superfluous, already 0! if py >=53 then m=0 if py =<52 then m=60 if py <=36 then m=120 if py <3 then var2=1:m=0 rem gosub setmsg2 rem if m=0 then j=32 else j=m rem for i=0 to 9:rowcolors(i)=j+i:next i NUSIZ0=%11111111 return colorizeplayer for i=0 to 7:player0colors(i)=player0colors(i)+16:next i:return 19 rem ---KITCHENSINK subroutine, runs when scrollvirtualworldtoggle=1 if g=2 then gosub drawlettersonscreen if SWCHB|%11111101=255 then goto skipselect px=1-px:rem toggle cycle colors skipselect if px=0 then goto skip_cyclecolors for i=0 to 9 rem 20191124 PAL demo locking out black rows rem rowcolors(i)=rowcolors(i)+16 j=rowcolors(i)+16 if i<32 or i>224 then i=168 rowcolors(i)=j next i skip_cyclecolors rem old NTSC rem player0colors $3c,$3c,$3a,$3a,$38,$38,$36,$36 rem rowcolors $72,$62,$52,$54,$56,$46,$44,$42,$42,$46,$44 rem dimmer PAL player0colors $a4,$a6,$a8,$a8,$a6,$a4,$a2,$b4 rem rowcolors $72,$52,$32,$72,$54,$34,$74,$76,$78,$76,$74 rem PAL [brighter] rem player0colors $a4,$a6,$a8,$a8,$a6,$a4,$b4,$b4 rem rowcolors $54,$34,$74,$74,$56,$36,$76,$96,$94,$b4 rowcolors $72,$54,$34,$74,$54,$34,$74,$76,$78,$76,$74 rem player0colors 100,255,100,100,200,200,200,200 rem rowcolors 30,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,70,30 virtualworld .......................................................................xxxx................. ......................................................................x..x.................. .......................................................................xxxx................. ......................................................................x..x.................. .......................................................................xxxx................. ......................................................................x..x.................. .......................................................................xxxx................. ......................................................................x..x.................. .......................................................................xxxx................. ......................................................................x..x.................. ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ ............................................................................................ .......................................................................xxxx................. ......................................................................x..x.................. sprites ........ ........ .XXXXXX. .X....X. xXXXXXX. XX....X. XX....X. XX....X. ........ ........ XXXXXX.. XX...X.. XXXXXXX. XX....X. XX....X. XXXXXXX. ........ ........ XXXXXX.. X...XX.. X....... X....... X....X.. XXXXXX.. ........ ........ XXXXXX.. XX....X. XX....X. XX....X. XX....X. XXXXXX.. ........ ........ XXXXXXX. X....... XXXXXXX. XX...... XX...... XXXXXXX. ........ ........ .XXXXXX. .XX..... .XXXXXX. ..X..... ..X..... ..X..... ........ ........ XXXXXXX. XX...XX. XX...... XX...XX. XX....X. XXXXXXX. ........ ........ X.....X. X.....X. XXXXXXX. XX....X. XX....X. XX....X. ........ ........ ...XX... ...XX... ...XX... ..XXX... ..XXX... ..XXX... ........ ........ .....X.. .....X.. .....X.. .....XX. XX...XX. XXXXXXX. ........ ........ X..X.... X.X..... XXXXXX.. XX..XX.. XX..XX.. XX..XX.. ........ ........ .X...... .X...... .X...... XX...... XX...... XXXXXX.. ........ ........ XXX.XXX. X..X.XX. X....XX. X....XX. X.XX.XX. X.XX.XX. ........ ........ XX....X. X.X...X. X..X..X. X...X.X. X.X..XX. X.XX..X. ........ ........ XXXXXXX. X.....X. X....XX. X....XX. X....XX. XXXXXXX. ........ ........ XXXXXXX. X.....X. XXXXXXX. XX...... XX...... XX...... ........ ........ XXXXXXX. X.....X. XX....X. XX....X. XX..X.X. XXXXXXX. ........ ........ XXXXXx.. X....X.. XXXXXX.. XX...XX. XX...XX. XX...XX. ........ ........ XXXXXXX. X....... XXXXXXX. ......X. XX....X. XXXXXXX. ........ ........ XXXXXXX. ...XX... ...XX... ...XX... ...XX... ...XX... ........ ........ X....XX. X....XX. X....XX. X....XX. X....XX. XXXXXXX. ........ ........ X....XX. X....XX. X....XX. X....XX. .X...X.. ..XXX... ........ ........ XX.XX.X. XX.XX.X. XX....X. XX.X..X. XXX.X.X. XX...XX. ........ ........ XX...XX. .XX.XX.. ..XXX... ..XXX... .XX.XX.. XX...XX. ........ ........ X.....X. X.....X. .X...X.. ..XXX... ..XXX... ..XXX... ........ ........ XXXXXXX. X...XX.. ...XX... ..XX.... .XX..XX. XXXXXXX. ........ ........ .XXXXXX. ......X. .XXXXXX. .X...... .X...... .XXXXXX. ........ ........ .XXXXX.. .....X.. .XXXXXX. .....XX. .....XX. .XXXXXX. ........ ........ XX...... 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