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Another Chronogamer Found!



I discovered another Chronogamer! A writer over at Retrogaming Times Monthly is chronogaming the NES, starting in 1983! This is the same guy that wrote the always interesting Syntax Era, so it should be good.


Anyway, here's the link to the issue with the first NES chronogaming. The column is called "Nintendo Realm". (You have to scroll to it.)




No, he doesn't call himself a "chronogamer," and as far as I know, he's never heard of me, but ain't it cool?


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Hi there!


This is my favourite column of RTM. In fact I just started collecting for the NES and after his reviews I already bought me a DK Classics, Popeye and Mario Bros. ;)


Can't wait for the next issue!




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Interesting! I may read trough his entries when the time comes, and if you haven't covered all those games by then! :P

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On 11/6/2012 at 8:50 PM, Nelio said:

Interesting! I may read trough his entries when the time comes, and if you haven't covered all those games by then! :P

( * Laughs in procrastination from the distant future * )

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