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Nathan Strum


Another year, another To-Do list. This one's pretty late.

Usually I write these early in the year, but this year there wasn't really much to update. I'd finished up most of the projects on my last To-Do list and decided I wasn't really interested in taking on anything new. This new To-Do list (half-written in January) originally wasn't going to contain any homebrew projects.

Between Star Castle, Ixion and Stay Frosty 2, I pretty-much got burned out on working on homebrews last year. I ended up backing out of creating label artwork for one homebrew, and didn't even make an entry for the Star Castle Arcade label contest. That was the first contest I've skipped at AtariAge since 2005. At the time, I just didn't feel like taking on any more projects. And so my traditional To-Do list, was basically done.

Then, Darrell decided to take on the challenge of creating one of my Stupid Game Ideas. Funny how something like someone creating a port of one of your all-time favorite games can rekindle your interest. ;)

I added Draconian to the previous To-Do list, and promptly put off finishing the new one. But I've recently taken on a new project (codename: "Not Turbo"), wrapped up a nifty "extra" for Star Castle Arcade, and it looks like there are a couple of other projects in the pipeline as well, so I thought this would be as good of a time as any to make the new list.

And the old one was getting a bit messy.

So I've updated the list, cleaned out old projects, added some new stuff, and shuffled things around a bit.

Besides homebrew projects, I'm also planning to get back to the Homebrew Art series, update Stupid Game Ideas! with several new entries, and probably throw a few more episodes of Artie the Atari out there. Meanwhile, I'll continue to periodically update my avatar with new Artie one-shots (in case you haven't been paying attention ;) ).

So, onto the list...

Homebrews/reproductions in development:

  • Scramble (was "Over Easy" *)
    Game graphics: In progress.
    Development status: In progress.
    9-23-15: New homebrew project.
    10-9-15: Revealed as Scramble (will be demoed at PRGE)

  • Draconian
    Game graphics: In progress.
    Development status: In progress.
    8-16-14: Moved to new To-Do list.
    9-26-14: Completed first pass at rotating enemy sprites.
    9-27-14: Created playfield font for score display, revised enemy sprites, updated damaged station graphics.
    10-9-14: First pass at explosion graphics done.
    10-13-14: Changed "station core opening" animations. Converting arcade level layouts over to Draconian. First 12 Midway levels are done.
    10-18-14: Midway and Namco "new version" levels now converted over. Most layouts are shared between the two sets, except for seven unique layouts added to the Namco version. Both sets get to a certain point, then just repeat the last six levels.

Completed homebrews/reproductions:

  • Lady Bug - Collector's Edition (was "Not Turbo" *)
    Label, box and manual: Finished.
    Development status: Finished.
    8-16-14: New homebrew project.
    9-25-14: Box artwork is nearly finished, except for some final touch-up.
    10-1-14: Box artwork completed.
    11-12-14: Started on title screen graphic.
    12-7-14: Title screen graphic finished.
    1-10-15: Work on manual started.
    1-19-15: First pass on manual completed.
    1-22-15: Manual completed. Work started on bonus item.
    1-24-15: Bonus item completed. First pass at label completed.
    5-28-15: Label completed.
    10-9-15: Revealed as Lady Bug - Collector's Edition (will be released at PRGE)

  • Star Castle Arcade
    Game graphics: Finished.
    Development status: Finished.
    8-16-14: Moved to new To-Do list. Finished work on "extra" to be included with game.
    10-12-15: "Extra" revealed as a papercraft arcade cabinet, to be included with the boxed edition of the game. The game will be released at PRGE.

  • Stay Frosty 2
    Game graphics: Finished.
    Level design: Finished.
    Development status: Finished.
    8-16-14: Moved to new To-Do list. Awaiting release. Meanwhile, check out the demo version.
    12-14-14: Stay Frosty 2 is now available in the AtariAge store!

  • Omicron
    Label, box and manual: Finished.
    Development status: Finished.
    6-21-14: Manual and box design complete.
    8-16-14: Moved to new To-Do list. Awaiting release.
    12-14-14: Omicron is now available in the AtariAge store!

  • AtariVox+ (The "+" version adds Vectrex support)
    Manual and label: In progress.
    Development status: In progress.
    8-16-14: Moved to new To-Do list.
    11-10-14: Resuming work on manual.
    12-7-14: Label finished. Manual expanded to four pages.
    12-14-14: Manual finished. The AtariVox+ is now available in the AtariAge store!

Homebrews/reproductions not currently in development, but not completely dead, either:

  • 2600 Toolbox (tentative title)
    Description: This is something I've been meaning to add to my Stupid Game Ideas! series. But with the 2600 Toolbox, it's not so much a game, as a utility. The idea is to vastly expand upon the idea of the Test Cart, including color calibration patterns, hardware tests, sound tests, and various patterns for checking color combinations, flickering, and so forth. The cart can be used to test consoles, set up TVs, and be used by homebrewers and artists while developing new games.
    Development status: I have a list of things I'd like to see in it, I just need to write it all up, then hope a developer finds it interesting enough to pursue. ;)
    8-16-14: Moved to new To-Do list.

  • "Project Retro" *
    Graphics: In-progress.
    Development status: A speculative project akin to "Bruce" (see below). In early development with some working code.
    8-16-14: Moved to new To-Do list.

  • "Gut Bomb" *
    Game graphics and level design: In progress.
    Development status: On hold.
    8-16-14: Moved to new To-Do list.

  • RPS
    Game graphics, label and manual: All in progress, to varying degrees.
    Development status: On hold. Probably indefinitely.
    8-16-14: Moved to new To-Do list.

  • "Bruce" *
    Game graphics: In progress.
    Development status: Purely a speculative project. Some early coding done by a few programmers. May or may not ever materialize.
    8-16-14: Moved to new To-Do list.

Miscellaneous projects:

  • AtariAge store - working on Photoshop templates for homebrew images.
  • Finish up "Homebrew Art" series.
  • More "Stupid Game Ideas".
  • Get my 2600 fixed. My original Sears six-switcher up and died in 2011, and I still haven't fixed it.
    1-22-15: 2600 fixed! Actually, not so much "fixed", as I replaced the circuit boards with new ones from Best Electronics. I'll go back and properly fix my original boards later.
  • More homebreviews. Got some catching up to do. Although I actually have to acquire the homebrews first. And of course, fix my 2600.
  • Update old MacMAME.net video game movie reviews and redesign website. I'm paying for a domain name for it, after all.
  • 2600 Mods Comparison Project - Another project I need to get back to.
  • The 2600RM. A pet project I have in mind. Could be expensive... could also be awesome.
  • 2600 Tron console mod. Yes - I want to make this happen for real.
  • Stella at 20. More likely Stella at 20... at 20.

* As always, project names that are in quotes are code-names, and not the actual titles.


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  • Changed animation for station cores opening up. Starting to convert Bosconian arcade level layouts over to Draconian. First 12 Midway levels are done.
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  • Finished adding the Midway and Namco "new version" level layouts to Draconian. Still need to check the other three ROM sets for any variations.
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  • Title screen graphic for "Not Turbo" finished. (It was awhile ago - I just hadn't updated this entry.)
  • Label for AtariVox+ finished. Manual expanded to four pages.
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  • "Not Turbo" manual completed. Beginning work on bonus item.
  • And finally, after almost four years... my 2600 has been fixed! (Well... not so much fixed, as I replaced the circuit boards with new ones. I'll go back and fix the originals when I have time. I have plans for the replacements... :ponder: )
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  • New homebrew code-named "Over Easy" added to list.
  • "Not Turbo" and Star Castle Arcade moved to Completed projects. Look for releases of both games soon!
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  • "Over Easy" has been revealed as Scramble. Programmed by John Champeau, with audio by Bob DeCrescenzo.
  • "Not Turbo" has been revealed as Lady Bug - Collector's Edition. Updated by John Champeau, featuring a Coleco-style box, manual and cartridge.

Scramble will be demoed and Lady Bug will be available for sale in limited quantities at PRGE.


(As an aside, Scramble is looking awesome. For everyone who was disappointed with Parker Bros.' version of Super Cobra, you're in for a treat!)

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