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I found and old letter that I wrote to Imagic when I was 12



Here's a funny one:


I just found this letter I had written to Imagic some 33 years ago. I was trying to give them an Idea for a game I had (unfortunately I don't have the picture or the instructions; I don't know what happened to them).

I can't believe I wrote 'you can even steal it if you want - I won't tell any one' :lol:


I do remember the gameplay rules... maybe it will make an appearance somewhere else :ponder:





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I entered the design a game contest that 20th Century Fox games held for M*A*S*H back-in-the-day. Months, if not a couple of years passed and I forgot all about it. Then one day, with no note or anything, a TI 99/4A showed up on my doorstep. Apparently, I had won one of the (400) second prizes. By then the TI 99/4A was a dead system, so I gave it to a friend of mine who already had one.


Unfortunately, I never made a copy of my entry (this was back in the day when photocopiers were few and far between), so I have no recollection what my idea for the game was.

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. . . maybe it will make an appearance somewhere else


Maybe you can make that Atari 2600 game with batari Basic and simulate what the 12 year old you would have done with such a cool tool if a time traveler went back and gave you a modern PC with the latest versions of bB and VbB. :D

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That's pretty cool. I wrote a letter to Atari when I was a kid, but never sent it off. I found it not long ago, but yours makes a lot more sense than mine. I referenced Activision games, not realizing Atari had no control over them.

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Maybe you can make that Atari 2600 game with batari Basic and simulate what the 12 year old you would have done with such a cool tool if a time traveler went back and gave you a modern PC with the latest versions of bB and VbB. :D

lol - awesome, that may not be a bad Idea after I finish ironing out all of the game mechanics...


You should get a 7800 too :evil:

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I'm going thru these blogs late .. cool letter from 12-year-old PMP. I also sent a letter w/game design, but to Atari. I remember the game was basically a Pitfall ripoff called Poacher. You would pull vines, causing squirrels to sometimes come running out of their treetop nests. Or you'd kick brush piles, and rabbits would come out. Then you'd try to shoot them. :D I was a young hunter at 12 years old, you see... got the Thanks-but-no-thanks letter too!

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I like how innocent you were with your creativity and wanting to share it with the world--you didn't have the means but the company did; but since most companies deal in money and not coolness-for-everyone, they turned you down. Typical! :-)

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