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Well, THAT Escalated Quickly!



About a year ago, I listed some ST stuff on Craigslist and was soon contacted by an interested party who at first wanted me to deliver the items to his home. I do a lot of selling (and buying) via Craigslist, and for safety reasons, I do MOST of my transactions in public places (in front of supermarkets, etc.) Obviously, when purchasing furniture or appliances, this isn't really an option, but that's neither here nor there in this case.


I explained my usual transaction policy to the buyer and while his responses were a bit iffy, we eventually decided to meet at a bus stop up the road from his house (apparently he doesn't own a car). After a couple weeks of failures to coordinate a meeting, a friend of mine expressed interest in the items and I wound up selling them to him instead. Hey, it's Craigslist, things happen... I apologized to the guy, he expressed some irrational anger and then things went quiet.


A couple weeks ago, I listed a boxed 1040STf for sale and lo' and behold, I was contacted by that same potential buyer. He once again tried to get me to deliver the computer to his home, and after I clarified my standard transaction policy, he grumbled, but eventually agreed that we could meet up. That reply contained enough odd commentary (mainly about me being paranoid) that I should have spotted the red flag then and there.


Earlier this week, we made arrangements to meet up at 6:30pm (after I got off work) in front of a nearby PetSmart store. The evening before the transaction, I E-mailed to confirm everything and informed him that the computer was in my car and that I would be there AT 6:30pm.


Last night, I drove straight to the store, found a parking space RIGHT IN FRONT of it, and parked my car (note, I did tell him what car I drove and what I looked like). I arrived at 6:15... I stood outside in the cold waiting for him until 6:50! He never arrived. I checked my E-mail to see if he sent anything... Nothing. Finally, I went in to a couple stores, bought some items, came out to check the parking lot TWICE, and then left. I had a dinner arranged for 7pm.


When I got home, I discovered an insulting, angered, and threatening E-mail from the guy in my InBox. He called me names, he said he was there until 6:40 and didn't see me (lies, of course), he said he saw my car as I left, wrote down my license plate number and intends to do a background check to find me, he even threatened me with physical violence and said that I must be selling stolen goods!


Yes, THAT escalated quickly!!!


Anyway, I have a string of E-mails from the guy, and his name and personal address... And yes, I will be contacting the police.


One of the funniest things about the entire deal (if you can find anything amusing here) is that he threatened to "blacklist" me among the local vintage computer community. I know a LOT of the guys here and we're all friends... Good luck with that buddy!


Just some Atari-related nonsense for the New Year that I thought I should share with you all!


Anyone interested in a 1040STf in box with foam inserts, but no mouse??? :)

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