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Graze (2015-05-28)



I had the goal for the revive mode being done for this Sunday, but since I added Revive, added GameOver, added 2nd player and implemented the console switches... I might as well do an update now :D




Left Difficulty will eventually turn on/off the background music if I get around to adding any. It sets it's flag properly but there's obviously no sound in the game yet. Sound effects will be unaffected by this setting.


Right Difficulty only matters in a 2-player game. It allows a player that's lost all it's lives to steal a life from the other player if set to Expert. To do so, they have to press both fire buttons during the active or revive modes. It won't work between waves since that'll complicate things a bit, and obviously it won't work during gameover since neither player should have any lives left if you get to that state.


Reset will warm boot the game using "reboot".


Select will move the game to Title Screen instead. Since both the intro section ("Loading...") and Title screen are just place holders for now these don't really have much of a difference. When I get to highscore saving/loading that would be done during the intro section.


The pause function is just whatever's built in to 7800basic for now.


I'll try to work on a temp but less placeholdery Title screen next so that you can actually select a new game properly, change from a 1 player game to a 2 player game, etc. It won't be fancy.


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