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So I finally worked out a couple problems with my Commodore 64 game and now I can continue. One of the problems was solved fairly easily, while the other took quite a long time. In the end, I figured out what the problem was. And then I figured out how to stop it. That second part was the one I spent the most time on. The problem: The computer was registering a hit at the title screen, forcing it to go back to the title screen when the joystick button was pressed. The solution: Wait until the hit is not registered to go back to the title screen. It took a long time to think of that solution when it shouldn't have.

So now I have some deadly peas in the game that the broccoli shoots at you. I also have the broccoli and cloud be different, random y positions when they reappear on the right side of the screen

I'll take a break now. I got up at 2am and couldn't go back to sleep because I kept having to blow my nose. It was horrible, so at 2:30am I got out of bed and worked, stopping every 30 seconds or so to blow my nose. Whatever it was is gone and I don't have to do it any more. Even though it was so, I kept working. I finally got back to sleep at 10:15am and slept a few more hours.

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