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Beware Of Nazi Troll!



There is a user at http://highscore.com/ whose main username is deebo who has been creating additional accounts to harass other users and to vote for his own scores and vote no on everyone else's score submissions. One truly despicable example is the account he named OldFartMark, with an altered version of my avatar giving me fangs and a swastika on my forehead.  First of all, if you run across this individual be aware of what they are doing, and secondly my avatar there (and everywhere else that I use it) is copyrighted!!! The original artist, in the U.K., sent me a high quality print and the permission to use it for any site that I wish, provided that it was kept unaltered, however he both retained the original and copyrighted it, as he's a professional artist.


Many users at the HS site know what's going on with deebo, but I thought I'd add a note here.



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