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A corn-ucopia of vegetables.



Pea-Man went to the corn maze and found the carrots have invaded it. Is nothing sacred?!


I worked some more on Pea-Man. I thought that corn, peas and carrots together on the same screen would be really amusing, so I did it. I also introduced a new thing: The level does not end after you eat the last dot. Instead, a passage opens up on the left edge and Pea-Man must go through it to advance to the next level.


Here's what will happen: At the end of level 5, the carrots will beam Pea-Man up to their spaceship (akin to "Upmonsters"). then level 6 will be the space ship. Level 7 will be planet Carrot. Level 8 will be escape from planet Carrot, and at the end of level 8, Pea-Man will land back on Earth. But he's not done yet, because he landed in Egypt instead of his home in America! And the carrots will still be there trying to get Pea-Man back on planet Carrot! I don't know what to make level 5 though.


I broke the 16k barrier. It's now at 18.5k. I added an "ASM ORG $A000" at about where I think I broke the 16k barrier. It works on jzIntv and LTO Flash.


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You can view the LST file (can't recall if you need to add parameters to generate one) to see if you have exceeded some boundaries and need to manually relocate the next code or data block to a different segment.

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